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Linker-Flores v. Arkansas Dep't of Human Servs.
Cite as 359 Ark. 131 (2004)

in the Chateau Apartments with other Mexican males and that he had said he could not care for his two children without their mother.

Mary Linker-Flores testified that she and Mr. Flores had moved around a lot, living with friends and in some motels. She testified that currently she and Mr. Flores lived in the Chateau Apartments, where usually there were four or five men and an extra on some occasions. She admitted the current living arrangement was inappropriate because of the other men and the drinking there. She denied that Mr. Flores hit her, except for one time when he was drunk and she was pregnant. Mr. Flores did not testify. After hearing all the evidence, the court made the following finding:

As to Anastachio Flores, father of Adrianna Flores (DOB: 9-8-00) and Aranthza Flores (DOB: 8-17-99), he has attended most of the hearings and visits and he has worked at a job most, if not all, of the time since this case was opened, but he has not had stable housing, despite steady income; it has never been determined if he is a legal resident; he has gone to some counseling sessions, but would not go unless mother went; he lives with five to six male Mexican immigrants in an apartment; he has never worked with the case worker to develop a plan to care for the children without help from the mother; he stated he would take the children to Mexico and have his wife there to care for them. There is evidence of substantial consumption of alcohol and he came to one visit at DHS after drinking beer. The court has accommodated him with interpreters at hearings and evaluations. Still there has been no evidence presented that he could parent these children. Thus, the Court finds that it is in the Flores children's best interest that the parental rights of Mr. Flores be and hereby are terminated.

Throughout this case, the Court finds that the Department made reasonable efforts to offer services to the family. Further, the Court finds that the Department made meaningful efforts to offer services to the family. The mother and father have failed to take advantage of the services, rehabilitate their lives and remedy the situation which caused removal of the children from the home.

Mr. Flores appeals from this order, arguing the evidence was insufficient to support the termination of parental rights by the court. We find the evidence was sufficient and affirm the trial court.

Mr. Flores argues the trial judge was not presented with clear and convincing evidence of meaningful efforts as required pursu-