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No more the town delights me,
Its noiſy tumult frights me.
I'll go where love invites me,
To Nan of Logie-green.
My heart ſhall ne'er deceive her,
I ne'er in life ſhall leave her;
In love and peace for ever
We'll live in Logie-green.

The Braes o' Lomond.

'Twas on a Friday afternoon,
I took a trip aboan Glenfroin,
To ſee a Concert there begin,
Amang the braes o' Lomond.
That day the ſnaw lay on the braes,
Bright Phœbus had withdrawn his rays,
And Winter hadd put on her claithes,
Ameng the braes o' Lomond.

But tho' without was wet and cauld,
Within we were baith blythe and bauld,
Wi' vocal ſtrains frae young and auld,
Amang the braes o' Lomond.
For the braw laſſes o'the glen,
(But for their names I dinna ken)
They danc'd and ſang till I grew fain,
Amang the braes o' Lomond.