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Sighing for him, I lie down in the e'ening;
Sighing for him, I awake in the morn;
Spent were my days, all in ſecret repiring;
Peace to this boſom can never return.

Oft have we wandered in ſweeteſt retirement,
Telling our loves neath the moon's ſilent beam;
Sweet were our meetings of tender endearments,
But fled are theſe joys like a ſleet-paſſing dream!
Cruel remembrance ! ah, why wilt thou wreck me;
Broding o'er joys that for ever are flown?
Cruel remembrance ! in pity forſake;
Flee to ſome boſom where grief is unknown.

Taste Life's Glad Moments.

Taſte life's glad moments
Whilſt the wafting taper glows,
Pluck, ere it withers,
The quickly fading roſe.

May blindly follows grief and care,
He ſeeks for thorns. and finds his ſhare;
While violets to the paſſing air,
Unheeded ſhed their bloſſoms.
Taſte life's, &c.