Page:List of Carthusians 1800-1879.djvu/257

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List of Carthusians.

Watson, William Arthur, 1874.

Watts,      , 1803.

Watts, Robert Rowley, 1844-48. Son of Rev. John Watts, Rector of Tarrant Gunville, and Prebendary of Salisbury. b. 1829. Univ. Coll. Oxf. 2nd Class Math. 3rd Class Lit. Hum. Assistant Master in the School. Vicar of Stourpaine, Dorset.

Watts, William, 1820. Son of Robert Watts, of Hampstead. b. 1807. Scholar of Univ. Coll. Oxf. 2nd Class Math. Incumbent of Christ Church, Endell Street, London; died 1847.

Way, Holroyd Fitz William, 1823. Son of Col. Benjamin Way, of Denham Place, Uxbridge. b. 1809. Lieut. 88th Regt.; died 1866.

Way, William Robert, 1861-64. Son of Rev. C. J. Way, Vicar of Boreham, Essex, b. 1849. Brewer. Romford.

Wayet, John, 1822. Son of Rev. John Wayet, Vicar of Pinchbeck, Spalding. b. 1808. Silver Medal for English Verse; died 1825.

Wayet, West, 1822. Brother of the above, b. 1809. Queens Coll. Oxf. Vicar of Pinchbeck, Lincolnshire. Hon. Canon of Lincoln.

Waymouth, Charles, 1829, b. 1806. Trin. Coll. Cam. Holy Orders.

Waymouth, William Francis, 1874.

Weare, Frank, 1878.

Weatherhead, Alexander, 1867, b. 1853.

Webb, Edward Henry, 1848-50, b. 1833. 88th Regt. Killed in the attack on the Quarry, Sebastopol, 7th June, 1855.

Webb, George Price, 1818, b. 1807.

Webber, Howard, 1877. Son of Robert Pullen Webber, late of Elmstead, Chiselhurst. b. 1863.

Webber, William, 1824, b. 1812.

Webb-Ware, Charles Edward, 1878. Son of T. Webb-Ware, of Cheltenham, b. 1863.