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Messrs. Roberts Brothers' Publications.


LITTLE WOMEN; or, Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy.
A Girl's Book. By Louisa M. Alcott. With Illustrations. One volume, 16mo. Price, $1.50.

"One of the pleasantest books we have read for a long time is 'Little Women,' the story of four young girls, — Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy. This is a thoroughly natural and charming book, fresh and full of life, and we heartily recommend it to all young people, big or little. We gave it to a little girl of twelve to read, for whose opinion we have great respect, and she pronounced it just the nicest book. 'I could read it right through three times, and it would be nicer and funnier every time.' And, to our certain knowledge, she read it twice in one week, and would have read it again had not the book been carried off."—Putnam's Magazine.

THE LITTLE GYPSY. Translated from the French of Eli Sauvage by Miss Luyster. With 12 Illustrations by Frölich. Square 12mo. Bevelled cloth, gilt side. Price, $1.50.

"It is seldom we find a story so rich in material. There is truth, simplicity, pathos, romance, variety, purity, kindness enough concentrated for a dozen ordinary books. We give our unqualified approbation to the artistic merits and unwearying interest of The Little Gypsy, who has stolen our heart by her rare loveliness and goodness, just as she did that of all those who came within the sphere of her magnetic influence."—Boston Transcript.


  1. Mischievous Joe.
  2. Foolish Zoe.
  3. Boasting Hector.

The Text by their Mammas; the Designs by L. Frölich. Bound in flexible cloth. Price, 75 cents each.

These illustrated picture-books are produced in the highest style of the art, and will please the little folks beyond measure.

"The illustrations are very successful, and are just naughty enough to please the little folks. They always take special pleasure in the tragic element, and find stories of perfectly good boys and girls too tame and uninteresting to suit their desire to see in books just such children as they are themselves,—passionate, proud, vain, struggling with their evil impulses, and only growing better by constant effort, aided by wise precept and the highest of all influences, good example."—Boston Transcript.

Undertaken in company with her two cousins, Masters Paul and Toto, and Little Peter. Translated from the French by Miss Luyster. With 48 designs by Lorenz Frölich. 8vo. Bevelled cloth, gilt side. Price, $ 3.50

This narrative of a voyage planned by four adventurers, who, fascinated by reading Robinson Crusoe, wished to become great travellers, is made irresistibly humorous by Frölich's admirable designs.

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