Page:Lives of British Physicians.djvu/320

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298 BRITISH PHYSICIANS. The following Papers, by Dr. Parry, were pub- lished in the " Farmer's Journal : " — Vol. v., No. 255, Aug. 17, 1812. On Purity of Blood, and on Growing Fine Wool. No. 257, Aug. 31, 1812. On Purity of Blood. No. 260, Sept. 21, 1812. On Wool, and the Causes that affect its Quality and Quantity on the same Sheep. Vol. VI., No. 262, Oct. 5, 1812. On the Ques- tion whether the Merinos are a Pure Breed, and on the Effects produced by Crossing. No. 265, Oct. 26, 1812. On the Effects of Food, Fear, and Habit on Animals, and of the Agency of Man, illustrated by the Enghsh Race- Horse. No. 266, Nov. 2, 1812. Observations on the English Race- Horse. Crossing beneficial in other Animals and Man. No. 272, Dec. 14, 1812. On the Merino Subject. In the Bath Herald, Nov. 1, 1804, Dr. Parry published a long defence of his friend, Lord So- merville, in answer to an attack there made upon him, with regard to the subject of his flock. In the year 1800, Dr. Parry published a sepa- rate work, entitled " Facts and Observations tend- ing to show the Practicability and Advantage of producing, in the British Isles, Clothing Wool equal to that of Spain:" and in the year 1807, the Board of Agriculture published, in their Transactions, an Essay on the Nature, Produce, Origin, and Extension of the Merino Breed of Sheep ; to which they had awarded their premium