Page:Livingston, Auction Prices of Books, 1905, Volume 1.djvu/127

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BARCIA 111 BARCLAY Barcia (A. G.) — Continued. Cf., Crawford, June, '89. (29) £5 7s. Gd. Cf., Barlow, Feb., '90. (169) $25.50. Bds., unc. Hart, Apr., '90. (118) ?30. Vel., Libbie, May 20, '9G. (42) $31.50. BARCKLEY (SIR RICHARD). A Dis- course of the Felicitie of Man. Lond., 1598. 4to. Cf., r.e. (title page mended and writ- ing on a few margins), McKee, Dec, '01. (2742) $G5. Hf. rus., Pountaine, June, '02. (53) £9 15s. Old hf. bdg., Soth., Dec. '02. (236) £6. BARCLAY (ALEXANDER). Egloges. Lond., 1548. 4to. Corser, July, '68. (174) £7 7s. Mor. ex., g.e., Crawford, Mar., '91. (252) £19 15s. Ship of Fools. See Brandt (S.). BARCLAY (JOHN). Argenis. Paris, 1G21. 8vo. Cf. (De Thou copy), Soth., Mar. 19, '96. (G5) £1 8s. Argenis. Leyden, Elzevir, 1630. 8vo. Cf. (Alexander Pope's copy), Harvey, June, 1900. (12) £4 6s. Cf. (preceding copy), Soth., Dec. 3, 1900. (950) £4 5s. Cf. (preceding copy), Soth., Dec. 2, '01. (42) £3 15s. Argenis. Trans, by Kingesmill Long. Paris, 1625. Fol. Mor., m.e., Soth., Nov. 27, '9G. (34) £4. Argenis. Trans, by Sir Robert Le Grys and Thomas May. Lond.. 1628. 8vo. Mor. (repaired). Bangs, May 9, '96. (186) $10.50. Mor., g.e., Auckland, Nov., '97. (580) £G2s. 6d. Argenis. Trans, by Kingsmill Long. Lend., 1G36. 4to. Cf. (engraved title slightly cut into), Craig, June, '87. (16S) £112s. Cf., r.e., Libbie, Dec 5, '01. (CO) $5. Description of the Roman Catholic Church. Lond., 1689. 4to. Cf. ex., Bonar, June, '90. (206) £3. Mirror of Minds. Englished by T. May. Lond., 1738. 8vo. Mor. (arms of Charles I), Randall, Aug., '87. (521) £2. BARCLAY (J.). Memorials for the Government of the Royal Burghs of Scotland. Aberdeen, 1685. 8vo. Hf. mor., g.e., Webster, Mar., '93. (14) £13s. Cf., Auchinleck, June, '93. (45) £1 19s. Cf., Young, Dec, '95. (703) £1 2s. BARCLAY (ROBERT). Anarchy of the Ranters. Phila., 1757. 12mo. Mor. ex., g.e., Cooke, Dec, '83. (870) $9.50. Mor. ex., Stevens, July, '86. (19) £2 2s. Mor. ex., g.e., Libbie, Nov. 22, '89. (161) $8. Cf., Washington, Dec, '90. (547) $6.50. Cf., r.e. (title page mended), Deane, Mar., '98. (187) $5.25. Theologiae Vere Christianae Apolo- gia. Amsterdam, 1676. Svo. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., Mar. 17, '02. (159) £7 5s. An Apology for the True Christian Divinity. Printed in the year 1678. 4to. Cf., Cresson, May, '02. (100) $14.

    • Large paper.

Vel., Soth., Feb. 27, '99. (347) £2 2s. An Apology for the True Chris- tian Divinily. Newport, J. Frank- lin, 1729. 8vo. • Cf., g.e., Brinley, Mar., '79. (2412) $13.50. CI., Baker. Feb., '91. (231) $15. Cf. (leaf at end of table of authors lacking), Livermore, Nov., '94. (2008) $20. Cf., Soth., Oct. 29, 1900. (571) £3 12s. Cf., Hodgson, Feb. 17, '03. (415) £3. An Apology for the True Chris- tian Divinity. Birmingham, 1765. 4to. Cf. (presentation copy), Libbie, Dec. 2, '96. (57) $G1. Cf., Stone. Oct., '97. (57) $5. Cf. (broken), Lundy, Feb., '99. (1400) $9.50. Mor. ex., g.t., Soth., Feb. 25, '01. (1492) £1 ISs. Catechism Faith. Phila Hf. mor. Polock of and Confession 1726. 8vo. (margin of title mended). Mar., '04. (542) $13. Catechism and Confession of Faith. Newport, J. Franklin, 1752. Svo. Mor. ex., g.e., Brinley, Mar., '80. (3486) $7.50.