Page:Livingston, Auction Prices of Books, 1905, Volume 1.djvu/139

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BATEMAN 123 BATHURST Bateman (J.) — Continued. Mor. ex., g.e., Gilchrist, Jiilv, '96. (147) £9 10s. Hf. mor., Henkels, June 2, '98. (270) $31.50. Putt., Feb. 15, '99. (957) £12 10s. Hf. bcl., g.e., Nichols, Apr.. 1900. (401) £G15s. Hf. mor.. Barber, Apr., 1900. (221) £11. Hf. mor., Soth., Feb. 9, '03. (403) £9. Second Century of Orchidaceous Plants. Lond., 1SG7. 4to. Mor. ex., g.e.. Walker, Mar., '93. (177) £113s. CI., Hennessy. July, '93. (117S) £2 2s. CI., Soth., Jan. 21, '98. (411) £1 lis. BATEMAN (S.). Crystal Glass for Christian Reformation. Lond., 15G9. 4to. Hf. cf. (lacking five leaves), Ashburn- ham, June, '97. (340) £6 10s. The Doom. Lond., 1581. 4to. Mor. ex., g.e. (some leaves mended), Ashburnham, June, '97. (341) £7 15s. Golden Book of the Leaden Gods. Lond., 1577. 4to. Hf. bd., Wilbraham, June, '98. (98) £9 15s. Mor. ex., Bools, June, '03. (112) £11. New Arrival of the Three Graces into Anglia. Lond., n.d. 4to. (Cut into at bottom, some leaves wormed). Hailstone, Apr., '91. (293) £15s. , Traveled Pilgrim. Lond., 1509. 4to. Mor., g.e. (cut into), Bateman, May, '93. (181) £G2s. Gd. Upon Bartholome his Book De Proprietatibus Rerum. Lond.. 15S2. Fol. Rus., g.e., Sullivan. Mav, '90. (619) £11 5s. BATES (A. C). A Bibliographical List of Editions of Connecticut Laws. Hartford, 1900. 8vo. Paper, Libbie, May 22, '01. (282) $8. Paper, Bangs, Feb. 20, '02. (230) $8. Paper, Bangs, Apr. 25, '02 (8G) |9. BATES (H. W.). The Naturalist on the River Amazon. Lond., 1863. 2 vols., 8vo. CI., Jackson, Apr., '91. (1252) £1 14s. CI., Wilson, June, '92. (41) £2 8s. Bates (H. V/.)—ConthiiieiI. Hf. mor., Alexander, Mar., '95. (1973) $5. Hf. mor.. Putt., Mav 22, '95. (11) £19s. Cf., m.e.. Price, June, '95. (33) £1 7s. CI., Soth., Apr. 19, 99. (8) £14s. BATES (S. P.). Battle of Gettysburg. Phila., 1875. 8vo. CI., Ives, Mar., '91. (54) ?5.50. History of Pennsylvania Volun- teers. Harrisburg, 1SG9-71. 5 vols., Svo. Hf. mor., Libbie, Mav 15, '88. (2314) $10. Hf. mor., Dawson, Mav, '90. (2404) $20. Hf. mor., Henkels, Apr. 21, '96. (369) $5. Hf. bd., Richmond. Sept., '99. (760) $5.50. BATESON (E.), HINDS (A. B.), AND Hodgson (J. C). History of North- umberland. Newcastle, 1893-97. 4 vols., 4to. Unc, Soth.. May 8. '99. (243) C3 ICs. BATESON (T.). First Set of English Madrigales. Lond., 1G04. 6 vols., 4to. Hf. mor., Gaisford, Apr., '90. (141) £16. BATH. Comforts of Bath. Lond., 1798. 12 colored plates by Row- landson. Obi. 4to. Hf. mor., g.e., Wright, June, '99. (671) £15 10s. Mor., Putt., July 30, '02. (142) £28. Mor. (plates loosely inserted in a scrap-book), Orford, Mar., '02. (167) £7 7s. Gd. Comforts of Bath. Lond., 1858. Obi. 4to. Hf. mor. (orig. cover bound in). Putt., July 30. '02. (143) £7 7s. BATH (ORDER OF THE). Statutes of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. Lond., 1744. 4to. Mor., g.e., Soth., Mar. 17. '02. (39) £3 14s. BATHE (W.). Briefe Introduction to the Skill of Song. Lond.. n.d. 8vo. Cf. (margins mended), Wills, July, '94. (1070) £5. BATHURST (R.). Vita. Carolopoli, IGSl. 8vo.