Page:Livingston, Auction Prices of Books, 1905, Volume 1.djvu/164

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BERRY 148 BERTRAM Berry (W.) — Coittinncd. Hf. rus., unc, Hance, Aug., '87. (712) £5. Unc, Glasse, July, '92. (18G9) £119s. Pedigrees of Berkshire, Bucking- hamshire, and Surrey Families. Lond., 1837. Pol. Bds., unc. Brewer, Oct., '87. (155) £6 12s. Hf. ct, Martin, Mar., 'SS. (322) £4 4s. Hf. cf., g.e., Brabourne, Mav, '91. (10) £2Ss. Hf. mor., Whitchurch, Dec, '94. (1250) £3 17s. Cd. Mor. ex., Daubuz, May, '95. (281) £5. Cf., Soth., Jan. 24, '99. (753) £5 7s. Gd. Pedigrees of Essex Families. Lond., 1830. Fol. Brabourne. May, '91. (108) £3 12s. 6d. Soth.. Apr., '98. (1107) £2 16s. Cf., Soth., Jan. 24, '99. (755) £3 15s. Pedigrees of Hampshire Families. Lond., 1833. Fol. Bds., Husk, Dec, '87. (343) £117s. Perkins, July, '89. (19G) £2 15s. Hf. mor., Elsted, Dec, '92. (283) £2. Hf. mor., Whitchurch, Dec, '94. (1252) £2 14s. Burrard, Jan., '96. (870) £4 8s. Soth., Feb. 20, '01. (247) £3 15s. Bds., Howard, Jiine, '02. (366) £3 lus. Pedigrees of Hertfordshire Fami- lies. Lond., n.d. Fol. Bds., unc, Brewer, Oct., '87. (15G) £2 4s. Hf., mor.. Elsted, Dec, '92. (285) £2 10s. Bds., Fripp, Feb., '93. (300) £1 15s. Bds., unc. Gray, Feb., '96. (958) £2 10s. Unc, Stansfleld, June, '98. (261) £2 18s Cf., Soth., ,Ian. 24, '99. (752) £2 15s. Pedigrees of Kent Families. Lond., 1830. Fol. Unc, Perkins, July, '89. (195) £4 15s. Unc, Larking, Apr., '92. (230) £5 7s. 6d. Heywood, Oct., '92. (701) £16s. Hf. bd., Daubuz, Mav, '95. (280) £2 6s. Cf., Soth., Jan. 24, '99. (750) £4. Pedigrees of Surrey Families. Lend., 1837. Fol. Hf. mor., Daubuz, Mav, '95. (282) £2 12s. Bds.. Llbbie, May 20, '96. (59) $16. Berry (W.) — Continued. Pedigrees of Sussex Families. Lond., 1830. Fol. Hf. mor., Brabourne, June, '93. (295) £2 14s. Hf. mor., Whitchurch, Dec, '94. (1251) £2 10s. CI., Daubuz, May, '95. (504) £2 6s. Grazebrook, .July, '96. (346) £3 3s. Bds., unc, Kay, May, '97. (1061) £3 14s. Hf. mor., unc, Rutter, May, '99. (2G1) £4 18s. Bds., unc, Soth., Oct. 29, 1900. (71) £4 8s. BERT (EDMOND). An Approved Treatise of Hawks and Hawking. Lond., 1619. 4to. Cf., m.e. (title and corner of last leaf mended), Ashburnham, June, '97. (390) £4 10s. BERTANDUS PETRAGORICUS (J.). Encomium trium Marianum, cum earundem cultus defensione adver- sus Lutheranos, etc. Paris, 1529. 4to. I^eather (lacking 2 leaves at end of Part 2, but supposed perfect at time of sale), Ashburnham, June, '97. (391) £4L Leather (lacking 2 leaves at end of Part 2, the preceding copy resold), Ashburnham, Dec, '98. (13) £16 10s. Mor. (said to be large paper), Hib- bert, Apr., '02. (59) £91. BERTONIO (L.). Libro de la Vida y Milagros de Nuestro Senor Jesu Christo en dos Lenguas Ayniara j- Romance. Pueblo de luli [Peru], 1612. 4to. Field, May, '75. (140) $23. Vocabulario de la Lengua Aymara, Aymara-Espanol y Bspanol-Aymara. Pueblo de luli, 1612. 4to. Mor., g.e., Soth., Nov. 5. '96. (19) £10 10s. BERTRAM, MONK OF CORBY. The Boke of Barthram, Priest, intreat- Ing of the Bodye and Blonde of Christ. Lond., 1548. 8vo. Mor. ex., g.e., Hawkins, Apr., '95. (12) £112s. Boke of Barthram, Priest, in- treatynge of the bodye and blode of Chryst. Lond., 1549. 8vo.