Page:Livingston, Auction Prices of Books, 1905, Volume 1.djvu/175

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BIBLE 159 BIBLE Bible in Bohemian — Continued. Cf., r.e. (a few leaves mended), Soth.. Jan. 24, '99. (727) £7 12s. 6d. BIBLE IN DANISH. Biblla Danlca. Copenhagen, 1550. 5 vols., fol. Cf. (in 1 VOL), Soth., Jan. 15, '90. (95) £11. Cf. (in 1 vol.). Putt., June 20, '94. (958) £6 15s. BIBLE IN DUTCH. Bybel overset te Duytsche uten Latine. Delf, 1477. 2 vols., fol. Leather, Hirst, Dec, '87. (393) £19. Leather, Atkinson, Mar., '96. (26) £19 10s. Mor. ex., g.e. (some leaves stained and mended, Thorold copy), Makel- lar, Nov., '9S. (G67) £10 10s. Cf. (in 1 vol.). White. Apr., '02. (203) £52. Die Biblie, etc. Lubeck, Arndes, 1494. Fol. Hf. vel., Morris, Dec. '98. (184) £50. Den Bibel. Tgeheele Onde ende Nieuwe Testament, etc. Antwerp. 1514. Fol. Leather, Putt.. Apr. 8, '97. (284*) £10 10s. Den Bibel. etc. Antwerp, 1518. 4to. Cf.. Livermore, Nov.. '94. (124) $60. BIBLE IN ENGLISH. Bible. Trans, into English by Miles Coverdale. First edition of the Coverdale Bible [Probably Zurich, Chris- topher Froschover], 1535. Fol. Mor. ex., g.e. (12^ by 7; laches: title and 2 following leaves in facs., no map, the Dent copy), Perkins, June, '73. (191) £400. Mor. ex., g.e. (lacking title. 6 other leaves, and map), Tite, May, '74. (254) £150. Mor. ex., g.e. (title and 2 following leaves in facs.. no map. the Dent- Perkins copv), Benzon. June. '75. (18) £360. Mor. ex. (second issue, with title dated 1536, top corner of map mended), Jersey, Mav, '85. (195) £680. Mor. ex. (12J by 7iJ inches, title and 6 of the preliminary leaves in facs.). Crawford, June, '87. (331) £226. Mor. ex.. g.e. (title, map. 22 leaves at the beginning and 28 leaves at end. Bible in English — Contiiiuril. in facs.), Bateman, May, '93. (271) £85. Mor. ex., in mor. case (title, 26 other leaves, and map in facs.. binding and some leaves water-stained). Liver- more, Nov., '94. (129) $800. Mor. ex., g.e. (12 by 7J inches, title, preliminary leaves, map. and 13 other leaves in facs., last leaf of Solomon's Ballet and Fol. 58 lack- ing), Atkinson, Mar., '96. (39) £165. (Imperfect), Burra, May, '97. (C17) £93. Mor., g.e. (title, 1 initial, top corner of Fol. 12, and part of map in facs., margins of 20 leaves mended, Gard- ner copy), Ashburnham, June, '97. (498) £820. Cf. (lacking title and preliminary leaves, map in facs., several other leaves torn and mended). Ashburn- ham, June, '97. (499) £175. (Title, preliminary leaves and last leaf of Revelations in facs., no map, several leaves mended). Ashburn- ham. June, '97. (500) £96. Mor.. g.e. (imperfect), Soth., June 27, '98. (265) £61. Mor. ex., g.e. (title, first leaf of Dedi- cation, first 9 leaves of Genesis, half of the map, and last 6 leaves in facs., several other leaves mended, mar- gins cut into), Makellar, Nov., '98. (767) £88. Mor. ex., g.e. (map, 2 titles, prelimi- nary leaves, first 14 folios, and sev- eral leaves at end in facs., some margins mended and notes cut into). Hunt. July, '99. (328) £60. Mor. ex., g.e. (title, first 2 11. of Dedi- cation, Fol. ii, map, and last 3 11, in facs., margins of several leaves mended, the Tite copy), Christie, Apr. 9, 1900. (236 A) £300. Mor. (some leaves mended and others supplied in facs.), Appleton, Apr., '03. (14) $3000. Bible. First edition of IVIatthew's Bible. [Antwerp, probably Mat- thew Crom, published in Lond. by Grafton and Whitchurch], 1537. Fol. Mor. (title inlaid and last leai of im- print mended). Perkins, June. '73. (192) £195. Mor. (title inlaid and last leaf of im-