Page:Livingston, Auction Prices of Books, 1905, Volume 1.djvu/268

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BRERETON 252 BRETON Brereton (John) — Continued. N. B., 1C22; Smith's New England's Trials, 1622; Description of Jamaica, 1657, and others. In all 12 Tracts, in 1 vol.), Hardwicke, June, '88. (42) £555. Brief and True Relation of the Discovery of the North Part of Vir- ginia. Lond., 1602. Second Edi- tion, with 48 pages. 4to. Fore edges unc. (Isham copy), Leigh, Dec, '86. (409) £265. Vel., g.e.. Barlow, Feb., '90. (332) $1125. Hf. mor. (several leaves mended), Simon, Dec, '93. (16S) £179. Mor. ex., g.e. (with Hosier's True Re- lation, Lond., 1605, which had the last leaf in facs.), Brinley, Mar., '79. (280) $1600. BREREWOOD (EDWARD). En- quiries touching the Diversity of Language and Religion. Lond.. 1G74. With Ponderibus et Pretiis, etc., Lond., 1614. In 1 vol.. 4to. Mor.. Toovey, Feb., '94. (616) £13s. Cf., McKee, Dec, '01. (2764) $14. BRESSANI (F. G.). Breve Relatione d'alcune missione de PP. della Compagnia de Giesu nella Nuoua Francia. Macerata, 1653. 4to. Cf. ex., g.e., Brinley, Mar., '79. (67) $35. Hf. mor., g.t.. Murphy, Mar., '84. (343) $16. Mor. ex., g.e.. Barlow, Feb., '90. (333) $27. Cf., Putt, Feb. 7, '95. (104) £3 10s. Cf., g.e., Burra, May, '97. (120) £4 6s. Vel. (ink spot on title), Pratt, Apr., '99. (309) $10. Vel., Soth., Apr. 12, '99. (132) £4 19s. BRETON (NICHOLAS). Barley- breake. Lond., 1607. 4to. Cf., Corser, July, '68. (324) £7 2s. 6d. Cf. ex., g.e. (some leaves mended, some text in facs.), Crawford, Mar., '91. (460) £5 10s. Characters upon Essaies, Morall and Divine. Lond., 1615. 16mo. Mor. ex., Corser, July, '66. (327) £2 7s. 6d. Conceited Letters. Lond., 1618. 4to. Mor. ex. (a few headlines cut into). Hailstone, Apr., '91. (321) £3. Breton (Nicholas) — Continued. Cornu-copiae, Pasqull's Night- Cap. Lond., 1612. 4to. Cf. (upper margin of title mended), Frederickson, May, '97. (121) $21. Dialogue full of PIthe and Pleas- ure. Lond., 1603. 4to. Mor., Corser, Julv, '68. (319) £7 7s. Corser, July, '68. (320) £4 4s. Cf., Ellis, Nov., '85. (725) £3 3s. Mor. (title mounted, 1 letter defect- ive), Soth., Jan. 22, '03. (457) £12 10s. A Divine Poeme. Lond., 1602. 4to. Mor. ex., g.e. (title mended, Sir F. Freeling's copy), Soth., June 18, '03. (787) £25. England's Selected Characters. Lond., 1643. 4to. Mor. ex., g.e., Hazlitt, Nov. '93. (74) £1. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., Feb. 27, '99. (489) £4. Fantastics Serving for a Per- petual Prognostication. Lond., 1626. 4to. Cf., Crawford, Mar., '91. (461) £6 6s. Figure of Foure. Lond., 1654. 16mo. Unc, Corser, July, '68. (338) £8 15s. Flourish upon Fancy. Lond., 1582. 4to. Cf., Corser, July, '68. (312) £24 10s. The Good and the Bad. Lond., 1616. 4to. (Headlines slightly cut into), Benbow, Nov., '89. (314) £1. 1 Would, and Would Not. Lond., 1614. 4to. Mor. ex., g.e., Corser, Julv, '88. (326) £7 2s. 6d. A Mad World, my Masters. Lond., 1635. 16mo. Corser, July, '68. (335) £7. Melancholie Humours in Verses of Diverse Natures. Lond., 1600. 4to. Cf., Corser, July, '68. (317) £13 5s. The Mother's Blessing. Lond., 1621. 4to. Cf. ex., Corser, Julv, '68. (330) £7 17s. 6d. An Old Man's Lesson. Lond., 1605. 4to. Rus., Corser, July, '68. (322) £8 17s. 6d.