Page:Livingston, Auction Prices of Books, 1905, Volume 1.djvu/281

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BRITISH 265 BRITISH British Arclnaslogical Assn. — Cont'd. 1846-90. with index to Vols. 1-30. 46 vols. hf. mor. and cl., Hodgson, Nov. 20, '01. (154) £10 15s. 1846-75, Vols. 1-31 and index to Vols. 1-30, hf. mor. and cl., Soth., Nov. IS, '01. (7) £4 15s. BRITISH ARCHITECT. Lond., v.d. Pol. Jan., 1S74, to May, 1887, 23 vols, m hf. cf., remainder in parts, Watson, Jan., '88. (305) £8 15s. BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE Advancement of Science. Lond., v.d. 8vo. 1831-99 and two Index vols., 70 vols., Soth., July 30, 1900. (176) £7. 1831-98, 67 vols., Mathews and Nel- throp, Jan., '02. (32) £7 5s. 1831-91, with index 1831 to 1860 (lack- ing 1S37, 1843, 1845-51, 1853, 1854, 1855, 1856), 64 vols., Soth., Apr. 19, '99. (17) £7 10s. 1835-88, 53 vols, (lacking 1873, 1882 and 1883), Crawford, Mar., '91. (472) £7 15s. 1833-78, 49 vols., hf. cf. and cL. Hood, Apr.. '90. (4S5) £9 9s. BRITISH ASTRONOMICAL Asso- ciation Journal. Lond., v.d. Svo. Vols. 1-10, 1892-1900, Soth., Dec. 13, 1900. (123) £2 9s. Vols. 1-7 and Nos. 6-9 of Vol. 8, 1890- 98. with Memoirs, Vols. 1-7, part 1, 1893-98, Soth., Mar. 8, 1900. (901) £2 16s. BRITISH BIBLIOGRAPHER. See Brydges (E.). BRITISH CRITIC (THE). Lond., 1827-43. 34 vols., Svo. Cl., Copeland, June, '88. (2) £5 10s. Hf. rus., m.e., Moore, Oct., '93. (88) £1 3s. BRITISH DANCE OF DEATH. Lond., n.d. IS colored plates after Van Assen. Svo. Bds., unc, Soth., Feb. 24, '96. (620) £2 4s. Bds., unc, Campbell, Mar., '02. (136) £6. Bds., unc, Putt., Julv 30, '02. (40) £5 10s. BRITISH ESSAYISTS. Lond., Sharpe, 1S03-14. 24 vols. With Drake's Essays, 5 vols. Together 29 vols., Svo. • British Essayists — Continued. Mor. ex., g.e.. Cooper, May, '87. (398) £4 12s. 6d. Cf. (in 28 vols.), Magniac, July, '92. (22) £2 12s. Tit mor., m.e.. Heath, Nov., '92. (53) £5. Cl. ex., m.e., Soth., Mar. 30, '97. (17) £4 ICs.

    • Large paper.

Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., May 2, '90. (43) £10 15s. Mor. ex., g.e., Christie, Mar. 1, '92. (77) £12 10s. Mor. ex., unc, Howard, June, '92. (45) £21. British Essayists. Edited by A. Chalmers. Lond., 1803. 45 vols., Svo. Cf., Goldsmid, Apr., '89. (30) £2. Cf., Hailstone, Feb., '91. (182) £2 8s. Rus., g.e., Soth., Nov. 4, '95. (21) £1 18s. British Essayists. Edited by A. Chalmers. Lond., 1808. 45 vols., Svo. Monson. May, '89. (45) £2 2s. Cf., Luard, Nov., '91. (429) £1 lis. Cf., Soth., July 27, '93. (931) £110s. Cf., Soth., Dec. 14, '93. (264) £1 6s. Cf., Libbie, Apr. 15, '96. (154) $7.20. Hf. cf. ex., Henkels, June 8, '99. (106) $40.50. Cf., Soth., Mar. 17, '02. (575) £7 5s. Hf. cf., Dayton, Mar., '02. (154) $24.75. British Essayists. Edited by Rev. L. T. Bergner. Lond., 1823. 45 vols., Svo. Bds., unc, Hartnup, May, '92. (597) £1 16s. Mor. ex., g.e., Eburv, Dec, '94. (27) £6 5s. Hf. cf.. Roper, Apr., '97. (39) £1 Is. Mor., g.e., Soth., Jan. 21, '98. (235) £6 15s. Cf., Clerk, May, '98. (209) £3 6s. Cf., Soth., Feb. 17, '02. (165) £3 8s. Cf., m.e., Hodgson, Feb. 19, '02. (404) £2 13s. British Essayists. Edited by A. Chalmers. Lond., 1S23. 38 vols., Svo. Hf. rus., Bennett, Feb., '87. (237) £1 10s. Cf., m.e, Brice, July, '87. (64) £2. Cf., Soth., Apr. 17, '88. (63) £5.