Page:Livingston, Auction Prices of Books, 1905, Volume 1.djvu/311

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BRYDGES 295 BUCHANAN Brydges (Sir E.) — Continued. Cf. ex., y.e., Hope, Apr., '96. (120) £2 7s. Cf. ex., unc, Soth., June 1, '97. (59) £2 10s. Cf., g.e., Deane, Mar., '98. (4G5) $5. Hf. cf., Blanchard, May, '98. (239) $6. Mor. ex., g.e.. Brooks, Oct., '98. (177) $8. Hf. of., Lincoln. Oct., '01. (S3S) $7.

  • '*Tinted paper.

Bds.. unc, Libbie, Feb. 5, '89. (184) $20. Stemmata lllustria. Paris, 1825. Fol. Hf. bd., unc, Howard, June, '02. (78) £2 10s. The Sylvan Wanderer, Critical Essays. etc. Kent. I^ee Priory Press, 1813-15. 2 vols., Svo. Mor. ex., g.e. (in 1 vol., portrait in- serted), Soth., May 16, '01. (358) £3 3s. BRYDGES (SIR GEORGE). Letters to His Majesty's Minister, relative to the Capture of St. Eustatius, [Lond., about 1784]. 4to. Paper (name on title), Anderson, Oct. 2, 1900. (196) $15.25. BRYDGES (THOMAS). A Burlesque Translation of Homer. Lond., 1797. 2 vols., 8vo. Cf., Gale, Dec, '88. (349) $6.50. Hf., mor.. Young, June, '90. (418) £llls. Cf. ex., Soth., Dec 11, '95. (70) £1 5s. Cf. (rebacked). Bangs, Dec. 16, '95. (294) $5. Cf. ex.. unc. Bangs, Jan. 30, '96. (81) $10. Cf., Cox, Apr., '99. (104) $8.75. Cf., Bangs, Mar. 14, '01. (149) $5. A Burlesque Translation of Homer. N. Y., 1809. 2 vols.. 8vo. Hf. cf. (foxed), Hawkins, Mar., '87. (1828) $11. BRYMNER (DOUGLAS). Report on Canadian Archives. Ottawa, v.d. 1881-1896, 12 vols., hf. mor. and paper. Perry, June, '99. (57) $18.60. 1886-1892, 7 vols., hf. mor. and paper, Poole, May, 1900. (255) $7.87. BRYSKETT (L.). Discourses of Civil Life. Lond., 1606. 4to. Rus., Livermore, Nov., '94. (931) $22. BUCER (M.). Judgement of Martin Bucer concerning Divorce. [Pre- face signed John Milton.] Lond., 1644. 4to. Makellar, Nov., '98. (2144) £4 4s. BUCER (MARTIN) AND MELANC- thon (P.). The Acts of the Dis- putacion in the Cowncell of the Em- pire holden at Rogenspurg. Trans. bv Coverdale. N.p., 1542. Svo. Hf. bd. (slightly cut into). Soth., Feb. 24, '98. (88) £2 19s. BUCH DER KUNST. Hye nach vol- get ein buch der Kunust, etc. Augsburg, 1478. 4to. Mor. ex., g.e. (lacking first leaf, 16 leaves in facs.), Inglis. June, 1900. (126) £30 10s. BUCH DER NATUR. Trans, by Con- rad vun Megenberg. Augsburg, Biimler, 1475. Fol. Leather (broken, a few leaves torn), Soth., Mar. 21, '98. (643) £101. Buch der Natur. Augsburg, Bam- ler, 1478. Sm. fol. Vel. (sold as perfect), Ashburnham, June, '97. (1175) £54. Leather, Soth., Mar. 21, '98. (644) £39. Vel. (lacking 3 leaves, the Ashburn- ham copy resold), Ashburnham, Dec, '98. (48) £29 10s. BUCHANAN (GEORGE). Ane Ad- monition direct to the trew Lordis Mainteneris of the Kingis Graces Authoritie. Lond., 1571. Svo. Mor., Putt., Feb. 15, '88. (853) £4 10s. Mor. ex., g.e., Aylesford, Mar., '88. (237) £4 5s. Mor., Martin, Mar., '90. (703) £1 lis. Cf. (Chalmers copy), Makellar, Nov., '98. (336) £2 8s. De Maria Scotorum Regina. [Lond., 1572]. Svo. Vel.. Crawford, June, *87. (578) £112s. Cf., Craig, June, '87. (418) £4 1Ss. Mor. ex., g.e., Huxley, Mar., '96. (133) £2 2s. Ane Detection of the Doings of Mary, Queen of Scots. [Lond., 1572]. Svo. Mor., g.e. (slightly stained), Hutt, May, 'S9. (340) £3 8s. Mor. ex. (margin of 1 leaf pieced),