Page:Livingston, Auction Prices of Books, 1905, Volume 1.djvu/363

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CAMPBELL 347 CAMPION Campbell (Thomas) — Continued. Mor., g.e., Putt., June 5, '93. (60) £1. Hf. mor., Price, June, '95. (109) £1. Cf., r.e., Bunbury, July, '96. (101) £17s. Mor., g.e., Howard, June, '9S. (53) £114s.

    • Large paper.

Mor., g.e., Soth., Feb. 12, "89. (139) £3 3s. Theodric and other Poems. Lond.. 1S21. Svo. Mor.. unc, Gaisford, Apr., '90. (360) £17s. Poetical Works. Lond., 1828. 2 vols.. Svo. Bds., unc. Bangs, Apr. 9, '01. (195) $5.50. Poetical Works. Lond., 1837. 8vo. Bds., unc, Francis, July, '90. (66) £2 2s. Mor., unc, Hutchinson, Feb., '92. (140) £1. Mor.. unc. Walker, May, '93. (184) £3 3s. Mor., unc. Turner, Dec, '93. (98) £3 5s. Bds., unc, Soth., Feb. 19, '96. (327) £3 5s. Bds., unc, Bush, Apr., '96. (82) £2 2s. Cf., g.e.! Soth., Apr. 25, '98. (109) £1178. Mor., g.e., Soth., Apr. 25, '98. (225) £12s. Mor., g.e., Clarke, Mar., '99. (42) £3 7s. Gd. Mor., g.e, Hunt, July, '99. (28) £3 5s. Cf., Anderson, Jan. 8, '01. (41) $10. Mor., g.t., unc, French, Apr., '01. (194) $50. Cf.. g.e.. Bangs, June 5, '02. (160) $5.25. Poetical Works. Lond., 1843. Svo. Bds., unc, Brice, Mar., 1900. (29) £1. Mor.. unc, Lefferts, Apr., '02. (1456) $10. Poetical Works. Lond., 1854. Svo. Mor., g.e., Reid, May, '94. (533) £1 15s. Mor., g.e., Hope, Apr., '96. (150) £1. Campbell (Thomas) — Continued. Mor.. g.e.. Haves. Apr.. '98. (256) $5.50. CAMPBELL (CAPT. W.). Old Forest Ranger. Lond., 1842. Svo. Hf. bd., unc, Kermack, Nov., '99. (42) £2 Gs. CAMPBELL (W. W.). Border War- fare of New York during the Revo- lution. N. Y., 1849. 12mo. Hf. mor., Barlow, Feb., '90. (444) $5.50. CI., Bangs, Mar. 5, '02. (410) $5.50. CAMPION (EDMUND). Advertise- ment and Defence for Truth against her Backbiters. Lond., 1581. 4to. Mor.. Corser, July, '68. (412) £9. Disputation in the Tower of Lon- don with Ed. Campion. Lond., 1583. 4to. Cf. (corner of 1 leaf torn, a few letters missing), Soth., Feb. 12, '89. (140) £15s. CAMPION (THOMAS). Book of Airs. Lond., 1610-12. 4 parts, fol. Mor.. Ellis, Nov., '85. (2192) £25. Description of a Maske presented at the Mariage of the Earle of Somerset with Lady Frances How- ard. Lond., 1614. 2 parts, 4to. Mor.. g.e., Gaisford, Apr., '90. (361) £13 17s. 6d. Mor., g.e., Burra, May, '97. (247) £5. Fifty Songs. Lond., Vale Press, 1896. Svo. Bds., unc, Sidney, Mar., 1900. (1S9) £lSs. Bds., unc. Bangs, Feb. 13, '01. (501) $13. Bds., unc, Soth., Mar. 7, '01. (932) £115s. Bds., unc, Soth., Mar. 17, '02. (1170) £12. Mor.. unc, Soth., Mar. 26, '02. (209) £14s. Bds.. Peirce, Mar,, '03. (67) $10. Bds.. Peirce, May. '03. (485) $6.50. Relation of the late Royal Enter- tainment given by Lord Knowles. Lond.. 1613. 4to. Mor., g.e., Griswold, Jan., '78. (69) $27. Mor. (Griswold copy), Ives, Mar., '91. (147) $57.50. Works. Edited by A. H. Bullen. Lond., 1889. Svo.