Page:Livingston, Auction Prices of Books, 1905, Volume 1.djvu/411

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CHATTERTON 395 CHAUCER Chatterton (Thomas) — Cnntinucd. Bds., unc, Soth., Mar., '01. (943) £3 Bds., unc, Soth., May G, '01. (10G8) £ 2 Ss Bds., unc, Soth., May G, '01. (1077) £2 5s. Bds., unc. Bangs, Oct. 28, '01. (Gil) $21. Bds.. unc, Soth., Dec. 2, '01. (1475) £1 3s. Bds.. unc, Soth., Mar. 17, '02. (11G3) £15s. Bds., unc, Peirce, May, '03. (497) $21. Bds., unc, Goodwin. Nov., '03. (407) $19. Bds., unc, Somerbv. Dec, '03. (13G1) $10.90. Works. Lond., 1S03. 3 vols., 8vo. Hf. mor.. Young, June, '90. (154) £1 5s. Cf. ex., Toovey, Feb., '94. (491) £1 4s. Cf., Toovey, Feb., '94. (492) £lls. Cf. ex., g.e.. Bangs, Oct. 7, '95. (Ill) $G. Cf., v.e., Matthews, Feb., '97. (141) $10.50. Cf. ex., Edwardes, May, '01. (63) £3. Cf. ex., unc, Hibbert, Apr., '02. (169) £5 5s. CHATTO (W. A.). The Angler's Souvenir. By Paul Fisher. Lond., 1S35. Svo. CI., unc, Phillips, Nov., '87. (113) £lSs. Vel., unc, Buckley, Feb., '93. (1317) £12s. Mor. ex., g.e., Alexander, Mar., '95. (270) $G. Mor., Matthews, Feb., '97. (263) $5. Mor. ex., g.e., Snow, Nov., '98. (170) £114s. History of Playing Cards. Lond., 1848. Svo.

    • Thick paper.

Hf. mor., unc. Turner. Nov., '88. (802) £14s. (In 2 vols.), Inglis, Nov., '89. (2981) £15s. CHAUCER (GEOFFREY). A Canter- bury Talc Translated. See Brome (A.) Canterbury Tales. [Westminster, William Caxton, about 1478.] Fol. Chaucer (Geoffrey) — Continued. Cf. (353 leaves only, lOi by 7 inches, corners torn off 2 leaves), Soth., Feb. 24, '96. (687) £1020. Rus., y.e. (368 leaves, lOJ by 71 Inches, some margins wormed and mended), Soth., June, '9G. (1182) £1880. Mor. (357 leaves, some leaves inlaid, many supplied from a shorter copy), Ashburnham, June, '97. (1044) £720. Rus., g.e. (295 leaves, some leaves in- laid, many supplied from a shorter copy), Ashburnham, May, '98. (4059) £230. Unbd., in mor. case (277 leaves, some defective, margins cut close), Ash- burnham, May, '98. (40G0) £60. Unbd., in rus. cover (165 leaves, mar- gins cut close), Ashburnham, May, '98. (4061) £65. One leaf, framed and glazed. Bangs, June 7, 1900. (108) $9. One leaf, torn slightly, Soth., Feb. 25, '01. (590) £115s. Canterbury Tales. [Westminster]. William Caxton, [about 1484]. Fol. Leather (lacking 28 leaves. 6 leaves inlaid), Ashburnham, June, '97. (1045) £300. Cf. (broken, lacking Sigs. aj, li, hi, di, li, and all after I 7, 6 leaves imper- "fect), Ashburnham, May, '98. (4062) £100. (Beginning with Sig. dj to E 8, 242 leaves), Ashburnham, Mav, '98. (40G3) £40. (Beginning with Sig. i2 to C 5, 120 leaves), Ashburnham, May, '98. (4064) £34. Canterbury Tales. I.,ond., Pvnson, [1493]. Fol. Bds. (imperfect). Way, July, '81. (150) £41. Rus. (290 leaves only, Grenville copy), Soth., Mar. 19, '96. (1S7) £200. Mor., g.e. (many of the leaves inlaid, first and last leaf in facs.. the Rox- burghe-Heber copy), Ashburnham, June, '97. (1046) £233. Rus. (290 leaves only, Grenville copy), Soth., Feb. 2, '98. (191) £150. Canterbury Tales. Westminster, V'ynken de Worde. 1498. Fol. Mor., g.e. (perfect, 10| by 7g inches),