Page:Livingston, Auction Prices of Books, 1905, Volume 1.djvu/466

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COLLINS 450 COLLINS Collins (A.) — Continued. Mor., g.e., Soth., Feb. 25, '01. (809) £4. Peerage of England. With Long- mate's Supplement. Lond., 1735. 6 vols., Svo. Cf., Putt., Apr. 14, '02. (65) £llCs. Peerage of England. With Long- mate's Supplement. Lond., 1779-84. 9 vols.. Svo. Of., Christie, Dec. 1, '86. (43) £lls. Cf., Aylesford, Mar., '88. (273) £1 8s. Peerage of England. Augmented and continued by Sir Egerton Brydges. Lond., 1812. 9 vols., Svo. Rus., Fortescue, Mar., '87. (439) £2 12s. Cf., Crawford, Mar.. '91. (799) £2 lis. Cf. ex., Buckley, Feb., '93. (557) £2 ISs. Cf. ex., Orford, June, '95. (74) £2. Hf. cf.. Smith, Jan., '96. (60) £llls. Hf. cf.. m.e., Makellar, Nov., '98. (641) £117s. Cf., g.e.. Twopenny, May, '02. (190) £3 6s. COLLINS (D.). Account of the Eng- lish Colony in New South Wales. Lond., 1798-1802. 2 vols., 4to. Cf., Crawford, June, '87. (718) £6 12s. 6d. Cf., Soth., Dec. 17, '92. (397) £6 5s. Cf., Putt., June 20, '94. (937) £6 5s. Cf., Daubuz, May, '95. (429) £5 7s. 6d. Cf., Soth., Feb. 22, '97. (156) £3 12s. Cf., Ashburnham, June, '97. (1152) £2 4s. Cf., y.e., Wilbraham, June, '98. (143) £2 12s. Cf., Ellis, Oct., '02. (702) £4 6s. Account of the English Colony in New South Wales. Lond.. 1S04. 4to. Hf. cf.. Hirst. Dec, '87. (1016) £1 12s. Rus. ex., Soth., Dec. 10, '88. (239) £2 14s. Cf., Inglis, Nov., '89. (235) £2 16s. Hf. roan, unc, Holbrow, Feb., '92. (1063) $10. Hf. cf., Hennessy, July, '93. (1G03) £14s. Hf. cf.. Putt., Nov. 15, *93. (577) £1. Eds., unc, Ellis, Oct., '02. (703) £2 12s. COLLINS (JOHN). Salt and Fishery. Lond., 1CS2. 4to. Snow, Nov., '98. (29C) £4 ISs. COLLINS (THOMAS). Penitent Pub- lican. Lond., 1610. 4to. Mor. ex. (Park copy), Hosmer, May, '61. (245) $15.50. Cf. ex., Corser, Aug., '69. (104) £9 5s. Mor. ex. (Park-Hosmer copy), Gris- wold, Dec, 'SO. (289) $22. COLLINS (WILKIE). Antonio. Lond., 1850. 3 vols., 12mo. CI., unc. Bangs, Feb. 13, '01. (110) $6.75. Armadale, a Drama. Lond., 1866. Svo. Paper (4 pp. of alterations in the author's handwriting). Bangs, Dec. 1, '98. (139) $19.50. The Frozen Deep. Lond., Not Published, 1SG6. Svo. Paper (with manuscript corrections, etc.), Hughes, May, 1900. (310) £3 5s. John Jasper's Secret: A Sequel to Edwin Drood. Lond., 1872. Svo. Parts., Bangs, OcL 21, '01. (237) $13. No Thoroughfare. Lond., 1867. Svo. Cf. ex. (orig. cover bound in), Soth., Dec. 2, '01. (769) £5 12s. 6d. COLLINS (WILLIAM). An Epistle, addrest to Sir Thomas Hanmer, on his Edition of Shakespeare's Works. Lond., 1744. Fol. Unc, Soth., Mar. 17, '02. (253) £8. Odes. Lond., 1747. Svo. Cf. ex., g.e., Crawford, Mar., '91. (798) £116s. Mor. ex., g.e.. May, July, '91. (346) £10 12s. 6d. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., Feb. 22, '97. (646) £5 15s. Mor.. g.e., Bierstadt, Apr., '97. (480) $17. Mor. ex., g.t. (portrait inserted), Praser, Apr., '01. (340) £30 10s. Cf., g.e., McKee, May, '02. (4951) $55. Mor. ex., g.e., Christie, June 18, '02. (104) £4. Persian Eclogues. Lond., 1742. Svo. Mor. ex., g.e.. Grant, May, 1900. (66) £8 15s. Mor. ex., g.e. (a few letters on title and one other leaf in facs.), Argyll, July, 1900. (996) £2 2s.