Page:Livingston, Auction Prices of Books, 1905, Volume 1.djvu/485

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CONGREVE 469 CONNECTICUT Congreve (William) — Continued.

    • Japan paper.

Hf. nior. ex., unc, Howard, June, '98. (40) £2. CONINGSBY (THOMAS, EARL OF). Account of the Manor ot Harden, In Herefordshire. [About 1722]. With Collections concerning the Manor of Harden, 1S13. Together 2 vols., fol. Mor. and hf. mor. (Sir R. Colt Hoare's copy), Christie, July 16, '01. (125A) £37. Collections Concerning the Manor of Harden. Lond., 1815. Fol. Rus., m.e., Soth., Nov. 18, '01. (250) £10 5s. Proofs to make good the Asser- tion in the Title-Page of my Case relating to the Vicaridge of Lemp- ster. Privately printed, [1721.] Fol. Paper, Copeland, June, '88. (1199) £2 2s. CONJUGAL DUTY, SET FORTH IN a Collection of Wedding-Sermons. Lond., 1732. 2 vols., Svo. Cf., Hailstone, Apr. '91. (446) £1 19s. CONNECTICUT CLAIMS. Articles of Agreement for Conducting the Business of the Conn. Gore Land Company. 1796. [Also] Statement of Facts relative to Conn. Claims to Susquehannah Lands. [Phila.], 1801. 12mo. Hf. vel. (in 1 vol.), Brinley, Mar., '79. (2130) $33. Examination of Connecticut Claims. See Smith (W.). First Ground of their Private Title, Their Indian Deed of 1754, etc. Lancaster, 1804. Svo. Henkels, Mar. 30, '04. (1506) $35. Governor and Company of Con- necticut, and Mohegan Indians, by their Guardians. Certified Copy of Book of Proceedings before Com- missioners of Review, 1743. Lond., W. and J. Richardson, 17G9. 4to. Mor., g.e., Brinley, Mar., '79. (2085) $115. Important Statement of Facts, Relative to the Invalidity of the Pretensions formerly made upon the Pennsylvania Lands, by the unln- Connecticut Claims — Coiitiiiiicd. corporated Companies of Connecti- cut Claimants. Lancaster, 1801. Svo. Sewed, Henkels, June 12, '01. (11) $5.75. Report of the Commissioners ap- pointed by the General Assembly [of Connecticut] to Treat with the Proprietaries of Pennsylvania. Norwich, 1774. 4to. Hf. mor., unc, Brinley, Mar., '79. (2123) $28. Right of the Governor and Com- pany of Connecticut to Lands west of New York stated and considered. Hartford, 1773. Svo. Hf. mor., unc, Brinley, Mar., '79. (2122) $25. Sewed, Brinley, Apr., '93. (8174) $4.25. Rise, Progress and Effect of the Proprietors of the Connecticut Gore, stated and considered, Hart- ford, 1802. [Also] Articles of Agreement for Conducting the Business of the Conn. Gore Land Co., and Supplementary Articles of Agreement, Hartford, 1795-96. 2 pamphlets. Svo. Hanson, Feb., '99. (1124) $18. CONNECTICUT COURANT AND Weekly Intelligencer. Hartford, v.d. Fol. From 1799-1847, 1S53, 1854, 1857, and Hartford Daily Courant, 1840-62, hf. sheep, some unbd., Brinley, Apr., '93. (9238) $27.37. Prom 1765-1795, 865 Nos., irregular, a few imperfect, Libbie, Hay 20, '96. (580) $51.90. Vols. 31-75 (lacking Vol. 65), 1796-1S39, 44 vols, in 20, hf. sheep. Libbie, Hay 20. '96. (581) $5. Vols. 31-75 (the preceding lot resold), Burnett, Nov., '97. (140) $62.50. For 1801-02, bds., Blanchard, May, '98. (1270) $9. From 1810-13, 4 vols, in 2, hf. bd., Brinley, Mar., '79. (2166) $18. CONNECTICUT GAZETTE. New Haven. J. Parker, v.d. 4to. Nos. 1-100, 1755-57. 2 vols, in 1. cf., nearlv unc, Brinley, Mar., '79. (21S6) $160. Aug. 13, 1757, to June 28, 1760, 26