Page:Livingston, Auction Prices of Books, 1905, Volume 1.djvu/535

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GUMMING 519 CUPID Cumming (R. G.) — Continued. Hf. mor. ex., unc, Blyth, Mar., '01. (103) £llGs. CUNDALL (J.). On Bookbinding, An- cient and Modern. Lond., ISSl. 4to. CI., Hewlett, June, '87. (450) £1. Craig, Mar., '88. (1473) £12s. Hf. mor., unc, Holborn, Jan. 26, '93. (256) £lls. CUNNINGHAIVI (ALLAN). Cabinet Gallery of Pictures by the First Mas- ters. Lond., 1836- 2 vols., Svo. Mor. ex., g.e., Shaw, Nov., '87. (23) £12s. Cf. ex., Soth., Apr. 17, '88. (127) £1 12s. Hf. mor., unc, Sewall, Nov., '96. (946) $6.50. Lives of Eminent British Painters, Sculptors, and Architects. Lond., 1830. 6 vols.. 8vo. Cf. ex., m.e., Soth., Apr., '88. (126) £2 Is. Mor., g.e., Buckley, Feb., '93. (763) £14s. Hf. cf., Hope, Apr., '96. (355) £16s. Hf. cf., Lundv, Feb., '99. (65) $10.20. Hf. mor.. Cox, Apr., '99. (212) $9.30. Songs of Scotland, Ancient and Modern. Lond., 1825. 4 vols., 8vo. Hf. mor., Streatfeild, June, '89. (22) £115s. Mor. ex., unc, Soth., June, '91. (212) £118s. Hf. mor., Stibbs, Oct., '92. (1254) £1 5s. Cf. ex., unc. Smith, June, '96. (63) £2. Mor.. g.e., Soth., Nov. 3, '98. (199) £17s. Cf. ex., m.e., Fraser, Apr. 22, '01. (478) £2 15s. Mor., g.e., Hornby, Jan., '02. (351) £2 12s. 6d. CUNNINGHAIVI (SIR A.). Bhilsa Topes; or, Buddhist Monuments of Central India. Lond., 1854. Svo. Borlase. Feb., '87. (358) £115s. Darby, Nov., '89. (37) £2 Is. Unc, Framingham, May, '95. (33) £17s. The Stupa of Bharhut. Lond., 1879. 4to. CI., Morris, Dec, '99. (249) £15s. CI., Soth., Jan. 29, 1900. (139) £1 Is. CUNNINGHAIVI (C. D.) AND ABNEY (Capt.). The Pioneers of the Alps. Lond., 1887. 4to.

    • Large paper.

Wood, Oct., '89. (102) £2 17s. CI., unc, Hodgson, Apr., '94. (1316) £1 10s. CUNNINGHAIVI (P.). Story of Nell Gwyn. Lond., 1852. Svo. CI., unc (presentation copy), Cooke, June, '92. (173) £112s. CI., unc, Gilbev, July, '92. (972) £1 5s. CI., unc, Framingham, May, '95. (91) £1 3s. CI., unc, Edelheim, Mar., 1900. (1159) $7. CI., McKee. Jan., '01. (1478) $17. CI., French. Apr., '01. (401) $15. CI., Soth., Dec. 11, '01. (416) £16s. CI., unc, Llovd, Jan., '02. (52) £1 14s. CI., unc, Soth., Feb. 17, '02. (946) £1 7s. Hf. mor., Dayton, Mar., '02. (380) $6. Story of Nell Gwynn. New York, 1883. 4to.

    • Large paper.

Sheets, Bruce, Apr., '92. (80) £12s. Sheets, Libbie, Feb. 18, '97. (215) $5.50. Cf., unc. Bangs, Nov. 18, '01. (187) $6.50. Mor. ex., unc, Anderson. Feb. 7, '02. (237) $5.25. Story of Nell Gwyn. Edited by H. B. Wheatley. Lond., 1892. 8vo. Hf. mor., unc. Brewer, July, '95. (76) £1 14s. CI., unc. Bangs, Apr. 16, 1900. (219) $5. CUNNINGHAM (DR. WILLIAM). The Cosmographical Glasse. Lond., 1559. Fol. Cf., Ashburnham, June, '97. (1233) £42. CUPID (THE). A Collection of Love Songs. Lond.. 1736. 12mo. Cf., Soth., July 18, 1900. (977) £1 17s. Cf., Bangs, Feb. 3, '96. (217) $5.50. Cf., g.e., Soth., Apr. 2, '03. (20) £2. The Cupid. A Collection of Love Songs. Lond., 1739. Svo. Mor., g.e. (with 2 sets of plates). Grif- fith, Dec. 23, '95. (405) £llls. The Cupid. A Collection of Love Songs. Derbv. 1891. Svo. Mor. ex., Kelly, Feb., '95. (98) £1 2s.