Page:Livingston, Auction Prices of Books, 1905, Volume 1.djvu/537

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CURTIS 521 CURTIS Curtis (G. W.)— Continued. Mor., unc. Bangs, Mar. 18, '95. (277) $40. Mor., unc. Bangs, May 7, '95. (445) $32. Mor., unc, Sewal!, Nov., '96. (1557) $21. Mor., unc, Matthews, Feb., '97. (313) $26. Mor., unc. Bangs, Nov. 29, '97. (233) $16. Mor., unc. Bangs, Feb. 3, '98. (69) $21. Mor., unc. Bangs, May 9, '98. (119) $15.25. Mor. ex., unc, Cock, July H. '98. (135) £3. Mor., unc. Cox, Apr., '99. (420) $19.50. Mor. ex., unc, Libbie, Feb. 8, 1900. (452) $20. Mor., Edelheim, Mar., 1900. (1253) $17. Mor., unc, Bangs, Apr. 16, 1900. (390) $18. Mor., unc, Cook, Nov., 1900. (447) $20.50. Mor., unc. Bangs, Nov. IS, '01. (370) $15. Mor,, unc, Carey, Apr. 3, '02. (169) $19. Mor., unc, McKee, May 12, '02. (4969) $17. Mor., g.t, unc. Peirce, Mar., '03. (309) $27.

    • 0n vellum.

Sheets, unbd., Peirce, Mar., '03. (308) $650. CURTIS (H.). Beauties of the Rose. N.p., 1856. Colored plates. 4to. Hf. mor. (2 vols, in 1), Christie, Apr. 9, 1900. (lOS) £2. CURTIS (JOHN). British Entomol- ogy. I.ond.. 1824-39. Colored plates. 16 vols., 8vo. TJnc, Collins, Apr. 2, '83. (287) £-24. Cf. ex. (in 8 vols.), Aylesford, Mar., '88. (432) £21. Hf. cf., unc, Putt., Apr. 11. '94. (637) £14 10s. Hf. cf. (in 8 vols.), Atkinson, Mar. 4, '97. (912) £11 5s. Mor. ex., g.e. (in 8 vols., with auto- graph letter Inserted), Auckland, Nov. 22, '97. (236) £16. 01. (in 8 vols.), Bangs, Mar. 1, 1900. (97) $33. Cf., g.e. (in 8 vols., presentation copy from the author). Peel, June 12, 1900. (119) £14. Curtis (John) — Continued. Hf. cf. (in 8 vols.). Young, Oct. 28, '01. (84) £11 5s. Hf. mor., g.e., Ryder, Jan. 28, '02. (Ill) £19. Hf. cf, unc. (in 8 vols.). Putt.. Jan. 30, '02. (734) £15. Hf. cf., m.e. (in 8 vols.), Hodgson, Feb. 19, '02. (207) £13. Bds., unc. Battle Abbey, June 16, '02. (83) £15 10s. British Entomology. Lond., 1862. 8 vols., Svo. Unc, Crawford, Mar. 12, "91. (888) £10 10s. Hf. mor. (margins filled with manu- script notes). Putt, Dec. 20, '93. (949) £10. CURTIS (JONATHAN). Topograph- ical and Historical Sketch of Epsom, N. H. Concord. 1823. 8vo. Paper, unc. Guild, Nov. 16, '87. (1271) $5.25. CURTIS (R.). Sermon preached be- fore the Queenes Majestie at Grene- wiche. Lond., 1574. Svo. Cf. ex., g.e., Halliwell. July, '89. (138) £14s. CURTIS (SAMUEL). The Lament- able Sufferings of the Church of God In Dorset-Shire. Lond., 1659. 4to. Unbd., Cresson. May, '02. (193) $6. CURTIS (SAMUEL) Monograph of the Genus Camellia. Lond., 1819. Colored plates. Svo. Mor. ex., g.e., Aylesford, Mar., '88. (591) £3 15s. CURTIS (W.). Botanical Magazine. See Botanical Magazine. Flora Londinensis. Lond., 1777- 98. Colored plates. 2 vols., fol. Rus. ex. (in 3 vols.), Christie, Dec, '86. (210) £5 15s. Hf. mor., Douglas, July., '87. (604) £4 6s. Rus., g.e., Aylesford, Mar., '88. (590) £13 10s. Hf. rus.. Wells, Mav. '90. (210) £2 5s. Hf. rus., Ashburnham. June, '97. (1241) £3 3s. Vel. (Vol. 1 in 2 vols.), Soth., Apr. 24, '99. (901) £lls. Rus., Bangs, Mar. 11, '01. (107) $5.50. Rus., Orford, Mar., '02. (36) £4 4s.