Page:Livingston, Auction Prices of Books, 1905, Volume 1.djvu/56

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AMERICAN 40 AMERICAN American Historical Assn. — Continued. 1885-91, in 5 vols., cL, Donaldson, Oct. '99. (27) $5.50. 1887-91, in 12 vols., paper, unc, Mor- ris, Apr., '99. (34) $9.60. Reports. Washington, v.d. 8vo. 1SS9-9S, 11 vols., lif. mor.. and cl., Lib- bie, Dec. 18, '01. (425) $14.30. 1889-98 (lacking 1893), 10 vols., cl., and paper, Avery, Oct., 1900. (28) $6. 1889-96, 9 vols., hi. cf., paper, and cl.. Perry, June, '99. (17) $23.40. 1882 and 1894-98, 7 vols., cl. and paper, Balcom, Feb., '01. (44) $7. AMERICAN HISTORICAL RECORD. Edited by Lossing. [Continued as] Potter's American Monthly. Phila., v.d. 4to. Jan., 1872, to .Tan., 1882 (lacking the numbers for May to August, 1879, June, ISSO, and Sept., 1881), 18 vols., Henkels, Apr. 5. 1900. (543) $18. Vols. 1-7, Hanson, Feb., 99. (77) $5.25. Vols. 1-5, hf. mor., Bangs, Oct. 26, '99. (409) $5.20. AMERICAN HISTORICAL REGIS- ter. Sept., 1894 to May, 1897. Phila.. and Host., 1894-97. 5 vols., Svo. Parts, Morris, Apr.. '99. (37) $5.G0. Parts, Henkels, Apr. 5, 1900. (92) $10. Parts, Betts, Apr., '01. (24) $9.38. AMERICAN HISTORICAL REVIEW. Vols. 1-3. N. Y., 1895-9S. Svo. Parts, Pratt, Apr., '99. (36) $0.37. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF MINING Engineers. Transactions. Phila., v.d. Svo. Vols. 1-21. 1871-91. 21 vols., cl. and hf. mor., Bangs. Feb. 5, '97. (12) $78.75. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ARCH><E- ology. Baltimore, v. d. Svo. Vols, i-8, 1SS5-93 (lacking 1 number), 8 vols., parts. Libbie. June 19, 1900. (30) $8. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CON- chology. Edited by G. W. Tryon, Jr. Phila., v.d. Svo. Vols. 1-7, 1865-72, parts, Henkels. Dec. 10, '95. (78) $16.10. Hf. bd.. Putt.. Jan. 18. '99. (227) £4 5s. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF EDUCA- tion. Edited by H. Barnard. Hart- ford, v.d. Svo. Amer. Journal of Education — Cont'd. 1856-62, 11 vols., Waterbury, Dec, '94. (85) $17.05. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF NUMIS- matics. Bost.. v.d. Svo. Vols. 5-35, 1S70-1900. in 15 vols., hf. mor. and parts, Libbie, Feb. 5, '02. (31) $13.50. 1866-8S, in 4 vols., hf. mor. and parts. Perry, June, '99. (1) $17.60. Vols. 4-14 (lacking 2 Nos. of Vol. 4), 11 vols., parts, Lincoln, Oct., '01. (762) $5.50. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHILOL- ogy. Edited by B. L. Gildersleeve. Baltimore, v.d. Svo. 1880-91, 12 vols., parts. Bangs, Sept. 30, '95. (S2) $1S. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE and Arts, Edited by B. Silliman and others. N. Y. and New Haven, v.d. Svo. 1st series, 1818-47, 50 vols.; 2nd se- ries, 1846-70, 50 vols.; 3d series, 1871- 96, 50 vols.; together 150 vols., hf. cf. and numbers. Bangs, Mav 27, '96. (819) $382.50. 1st series, 50 vols.; 2nd series, Vols. 1-50 (lacking vols. 39-40) ; 3d series. Vols. 1-45. ISIS, etc., together 143 vols., hf. mor.. Bangs, Sept. 24, '94. (863) $157.30. 1st series. Vols. 1-49 (lacking Vols. 4-16, and 4 parts) ; 2nd series. Vols. 1-20, 27-31. and 41 (lacking 2 parts) together 71 vols. Hf sheep and parts, Poole, May, 1900. (928) $39.05. 2nd series. Vols. 41-50: 3d series. Vols. 1-42 (lacking 4 parts), together 42 vols., hf. mor. and parts, Libbie, .Tune 19, 1900. (31) $16.80. 2nd series. 24 vols., hf. mor.. Bangs, May 3, '99. (9) $7.20. AMERICAN LITERARY MAGAZINE. Edited by T. Dwight Sprague, Al- bany and Hartford, v.d. Svo. Vols. 1-4, 1S47-48, in 2 vols., Brinley, Apr.. '93. (9231) $S. AMERICAN MAGAZINE AND His- torical Chronicle. Bost., Rogers & Fowle. and Phila., B. Franklin, v.d. Svo. Vols. 1-3, 1744-40, cf.. Brinley, Mar., '79. (1G96) $75. Vol. 1, hf. cf., McKee, Nov.. 1900. (939) $31.