Page:Livingston, Auction Prices of Books, 1905, Volume 1.djvu/560

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DAVENANT 544 DAVENPORT Davenant (Sir William) — Continued. Cf., Soth., May 25, 1900. (130) £2 14s. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., July 18, 1900. (898) £2 18s. Mor. ex., g.e., Bruce, Dec, 1900. (479) £5 15s. Mor. ex., r.e., McKee, Apr., '01. (2302) $32. Cf., r.e. (binding broken). Bangs, Jan. 22, '02. (113) $12. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., Jan. 31, '02. (624) £4 15s. Cf., Soth., Mar. 17, '02. (530) £4. Mor. ex., g.e., Lefferts, Apr., '02. (348) $50. Cf., r.e., Twopenny, May, '02. (578) £5 5s. Cf. ex., Christie, June 18, '02. (236) £4 2s. Gd. Cf., Soth.,- May 18, '03. (115) £4 1Gs. Dramatic Worl<s. Edinb., 1872-74. 5 vols., 8vo.

    • Large paper.

Cf. ex., unc, Hutt, May, '89. (752) £2 16s.

    • 0n vellum.

Vel. (in 6 vols.), Soth., Feb. 22, '97. (663) £612s. 6d. DAVENPORT (A. B.). History and Genealogy of the Davenport Family, 108G-1S7G. N. Y. and Stamford, 1851-76. 2 vols., 12mo. CI., Guild, Nov., '87. (1585) $7.50. CI., Libbie, May 15, '88. (409) $5.50. DAVENPORT (C). Thomas Berthe- let. Chicago, C'axton Club, 1901. 4to. Hodgson, July 1, '03. (449) £2 6s. DAVENPORT (JOHN). Another Es- say for Investigation of the Truth. Camb., S. Green and M. Johnson, 1663. 4to. Mor., unc. (2 portraits inserted, and " John Cotton his Booke given him by his brother Mr. Increase Mather " written on title), Brinlev, Mar., '79. (752) $70. Mor. (title in facs.), Brinlev, Mar., 'SO. (2636) $77.50. (Slightly water-stained), Brinlev, Nov., '86. (7503) $25. Mor. ex. (Brinley copy, No. 752) Bangs. Feb. 20, '96. (122) $76. An Apologeticall Reply to a Booke called an Answer to the un- Davenport (John) — Continued. just complaint of W. B[est]. Rot- terdam, 1636. 4to. Vel., Brinley, Mar., '79. (565) $25. Defence of the Answer and Ar- guments of the Synod met at Bos- ton, in 1662, concerning the Subject of Baptism. Camb., S. Green, 1GG4. 4to. Hf. cf.. Murphy, Mar., '84. (732) $17. Discourse about Civil Govern- ment in a New Plantation whose Design is Religion. Camb., S. Green and M. Johnson, 1GG3. 4to. Hf. mor. (slightly stained), Menzies, Nov.. '76. (514) $45. Mor., Brinley, Mar.. '79. (751) $90. Gods Call to His People to Turn unto Him. Camb., S. G. and M. J., 1669. 4to. Mor., g.e.. Rice, Mar., '70. (518) $41. Mor., g.e., Brinley, Mar., '79. (753) $55. The Knowledge of Christ Indis- pensably required of all jNIen that would be Saved. Lond., 1G53. 4to. Cf., Brinley, Mar., '79. (567) $33. Cf. ex., g.e. (water-stained), Bangs, Mar. 13, '95. (55) $19. Power of Congregational Cliurches Asserted and Vindicated. l^ond., 1672. Svo. Cf. (soiled), Bangs, Mar. 16, '9C. (604) $6. Cf., Deane, Mar., '98. (997) $8. Profession of the Faith of Mr. J. D. Lond., 1G42. 4to. Hf. mor. (margins cut close), Brinley, Hf. mor. (lower edge mended). Mar. '79. (566) $12. The Saint's Anchor-Hold, in all Storms and Tempests. Lond., 1661. Svo. Cf., Brinley, Mar., '79. (56S) $10.50. Cf. (stained). Bangs, Feb. 20, '96. (121) $7.50. The Saint's Anchor-Hold in all Storms and Tempests. Lond., 1701. Svo. Sheep, in case. Bangs, Apr. 29, '97. (39) $5.25. Sermon preached at the Election of the Governor at Boston in New England, May 19, 1669. [Camb., Mass.], 1670. 4to. Proud, May, '03. (587) $180.