Page:Livingston, Auction Prices of Books, 1905, Volume 1.djvu/68

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ANGELICA 52 ANGLO-AMERICAN ANGELICA'S LADIES' LIBRARY. Lond., 1794. S colored plate.s. 4to. Cf., Soth., Mav 21, 1900. (1S8) £2 2s. Hf. bd., Maxe, Mar., '01. (ISl) £1 3s. ANGELIS (PEDRO DE). Collection de Obras relativos a la Historla de las Provincias del Rio de la Plata. Buenos Ayres, 1835-37. 6 vols., fol. Hf. roan, Libbie, Jan. 21, '86. (603) $18.60. Hf. mor., Crawford, June, '89. (36) £4 2s. 6d. Hf. mor.. Barlow, Feb., '90. (92) $33. ANGELO (D.). L'Ecole des Armes. Lond.. 1763. 4to. Hf. mor.. Bangs, Oct. 17, '9S. (182) $9.50. Eds., unc, Soth., Mar. 17, '99. (271) £3 10s. Hf. mor., Bangs, Apr. 3, '99. (143) $10.25. Mor., g.e., Eraser, Apr., '01. (39) £6 15s. Hf. rus., Soth., Dec. 2. '01. (394) £2 lis. ANGELO (H.). School of Fencing. Lond., 1765. Fol. Hf. cf., Toovey, Mar., '94. (403) £1 16s. Unbd., Ludgater, May, '95. (855) £2. 5 s. Hf. cf., Schreiber, Apr., '96. (258) £2 16s. CI., Soth., Mar. 17, '99. (272) £2 2s. Cf., Preston, Mar., '02. (5) £2 15s. Hf. bd.. Putt., June 4, '02. (574) £2 4s. Hf. rus. (6 extra colored plates), Ash- burnham, June, '97. (93) £5 7s. 6d. Hf. cf., Ellis, Oct., '02. (139) £2. Hf. bd.. Walker, Nov., '02. (475) £3. School of Fencing. Lond., 1787. 8vo. Cf., Leigh, Dec, '89. (421) £1 ISs. Hf. bd., Francis, July, '90. (778) £1 lis. Cf., Cox, Feb., '91. (7) £116s. CL, Toovey, Mar., '94. (135) £2 2s. CI., Soth., Nov. 19, '94. (378) £1 9s. Smith, Jan., '96. (4) £12s. Soth., May 6, '98. (94) £118s. Treatise on the Art of Fencing. Lond., 1817. Fol. Putt., Jan. 5, 'SS. (326) £2 4s. Cf. ex., Aylesford, Mar., '88. (143) £5 15s. Hf. bd., Hodgson, Apr. 17, '88. (390) £2 18s. Angelo (H.) — Coiitiiiuci!. Hf. bd., OfEley, Nov. 6, '89. (310) £4. Bds., Soth., Mar. 17, '99. (275) £3 16s. Hungarian and Highland Broad Sword. Lond., 1799. 24 plates by Rowlandson. Fol. Hf. mor.. Putt., Mar. 1, '93. (982) £8 15s. Grig, wrapper, Angerstein, May, '96. (312) £6. Pic-Nic, or Table Talk. Lond., 1834. Colored title, frontispiece, etc., by Cruikshank. Svo. Hf. mor., Johnson, Jan., '90. (335) $6. Mor. (with duplicate of the plate, a touched proof, on India paper), Bruton, June, '97. (23) £2. ANGELUS (J.). Astrolabium planum in fabulis ascendens. Augsburg, E. Ratdolt, 1488. 4to. Mor., g.e., Inglls, June, 1900. (42) £0 15s. Astrolabium planum in tabulis ascendens. Venice, L. A. de Giunta, 1502. 4to. Mor., g.e.. Wills. July, '94. (149) £4 10s. Soth., July 17, '01. (40) £9 15s. ANGLER'S MAGAZINE. Lond., 1754. 8vo. Hf. cf., Coleman, July, '97. (23) £3 12s. Od. ANGLER'S MAGAZINE. Dublin, 1760. Svo. Mor., g.e., Perkins, Julv, '89. (58) £18s. ANGHIERA (PIETRO MARTIRE DE). See Martyr (Peter). ANGLI/E FAIRFAXISMOS: ou Ty- rannie Angloise, contenant I'Execu- tion du Roy Charles Stuart. Rouen, 1649. 4to. Vel., Ellis, Nov., '85. (912) £12 10s. ANGLIARA (JOHN). Die Schiffung mitt dem Lanndt der Gulden Insel. N.P., about 1520. (Sabin, No. 1560.) 4to. Hf. roan, Deane, Mar., '98. (108) $70. ANGLO-AMERICAN. Edited by A. D Paterson. N. Y., v.d. Sm. fol. Vols. 1-9, 1843-47, hf. mor., Lawton, Dec, '94. (340) $9.45.