Page:Livingston, Auction Prices of Books, 1905, Volume 2.djvu/77

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DUNTON 69 DURANDUS Dunton (John) — Coiitiniicfl. Cf. (title backed), Crawford. July, '96. (311) £3 3s. Unbd., Fountaine, June. '02. (297) £6. Unbd., unc, Soth., Oct. 20, '02. (1176) £2 6s. DUNTON (JOHN). Compleat Li- brary; or News for the Ingenious. Vols. 1 and 2. Lond., 1692-93. Cf. (3 letters of Geo. H. Moore In- serted), Deane, Mar., '98. (1171) $19. Ladies' Dictionary. Lond., 1694. Svo. Mor., g.e., Gaisford, Apr., '90. (654) £2Ss. Mor., g.e., Fraser, Apr., '01. (54S) £3. Letters from New England. Bost.. Prince Soc, 1SC7. 4to. Hf. Mor., unc, Manson, Mar., '99. (3529) $14. Hf. mor., unc, Pratt, Apr., '99. (2032) $7.50. Hf. mor., unc, Clogston, Nov., '99. (1149) $S. Hf. mor., unc, Poole, Mav, 1900. (S33) $7.25. Hf. mor.. unc, Balcom, Feb., '01. (2011) $9. Hf. mor., unc, Libbie, Dec. 5, '01. (1075) $11.50.

    • Large paper.

Bds., unc, Bangs, May 15, '99. (556) $8. Life and Errors. Written by Himself. Lond., 1705. Svo. Cf., g.e., Brinley, Apr., '81. (5176) $10. Life and Errors. Lond., 1818. 2 vols., Svo. Hf. mor., unc, Menzies, Nov., '76. (648) $11. Hf. mor., Cooke, Dec, '83. (770) $1G. Cf., Barlow, Feb., '90. (824) $5. Cf., y.e. (in 1 vol.), Blanchard, Mav, '98. (549) $5.50. Neck or Nothing: A Consolatory letter from Mr. D-nt-n to Mr. C-rll upon his being tost in a Blanket. Lond., 1716. Svo. Hf. mor., g.e., Biersfadt. Apr., '97. (2327) $7. DU PERIER. Amours de Pistion. Paris, ICOl. 12mo. Old mor.. Bangs, Feb. 3, '96. (333) $8.75. Old mor. (the preceding copy resold), Pratt, Apr., '99. (752) $170. Amours de Pistion et de Fortunie. Paris, 1606. 12nio. Mor., g.e. (some leaves wanting), Murphy, Mar., '84. (846) $5. Mor., g.e. (apparently the preceding copy). Hart, Apr., '90. (56) $5.50. DU PONT (LE CHEVALIER). Voy- ages and Adventures. Trans, from the French. Lend., 1772. 4 vols. 12mo. Hf. mor., Brinley, Mar., '79. (85) $10.50. DUPORTAIL (IVI.). Love and Pa- triotism. See Louvet de Couvray. DUPPA (R.). Classes and Orders of the I_,innaBan System of Botany. Lond., 1816. Colored plates. 3 vols., Svo. Mor., g.e., Soth., Feb. 24, '96. (613) £114s. Mor., g.e., Bangs, Feb. 3, '97. (65) $5.62. DU PRAISSAC. The Art of War, or Military Discourses. Trans, by J. Cruso. Camb., 1642. Svo. Mor., g.e., Soth., Nov. 20, '99. (487) £5. DU PRATZ. See Le Page du Pratz. DUQUESNE (M.). New Voyage to the East Indies in 1690 and 1691. Lond., 1696. Svo. Orig. cf., Ashhurton, Nov., 1900. (276) £1. DURAN (NICHOLAS). Relation des Insignes Progrez de la Religion Chrestrienne fait au Paraqual. Paris, 1<"38. Svo. Vel., Cooke, Dec, 'S3. (770*) $35. DURANDUS (G.). Rationale Divino- rum Officiorum. Mainz, 1459. Fol.

    • On vellum.

Mor. (a few leaves mended), Sunder- land, Apr., '82. (4154) £790. Rus., g.t. (in 2 vols., 11 leaves sup- plied from a smaller copy), Ash- burnham, June, '97. (1449) £320. Rationale Divinorum Officiorum Ulm, 1475. Fol.