Page:Livingston, Auction Prices of Books, 1905, Volume 3.djvu/120

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MACCURTIN 110 MACGILLIVRAY MacCurtin (H.) — Continued. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., Jan. 14, '95. (193) £1 5s. M'DIARMID (ANGUS). Description of the Beauties of Edinample and Lochearnhead. Aberfeldy, 1S41. Svo. Hf. cf., unc. (with orig. covers bound in), Stewart, Mar., 'S8. (455) £2 lis. Striking and Picturesque Delinea- tions of the Scenery around Loch Earn. Edinb., 1815. Svo. Mor., unc, Stewart, Mar., 'SS. (454) £5 10s. MACDONALD (F. V.) Contributions to the early History of Bryan Mc- Donald and Family, Settlers in 1689 on Red Clay Creek, New Castle County, Del. San Francisco, 1879. Fol. CI., Guild, Nov., '87. (1809) $5.25. McDonald (philip), and ivi'leod (Alexander). Surprising Account of their Captivity and Escape from the Chickkemogga Indians. Bennington, 1786. 8vo. Bds., unc, Terry, Mar., '89. (535) $6. IVl'DONELL (ALEXANDER). Narra- tive of Transactions in the Red River Country, from the commence- ment of the operations of the Earl of Selkirk, till 1816. Lond., 1819. Svo. Hf. sheep. Murphy, Mar., '84. (1553) $6.25. MACE (THOMAS). Musick's Monu- ment, or a Remembrancer of the best Practical Musick. Lond., 1676. Por- trait by Faithorne. Fol. Craig, Mar., '88. (3054) £2. Rus. ex., g.e.. Turner, June, '8S. (2715) £6 6s. Cf., Dobson, Nov., '89. (446) £2Ss. Cf., Soth., Jan. 14, '95. (133) £5. Cf., Putt., Nov. 9, '96. (995) £9 10s. Cf. (lacking pp. 243 and 244) Soth., Apr. 20, '99. (1144) £2 15s. Cf. (apparently the preceding copy re- sold), Soth., Oct. 30, '99. (942) £1 12s. Mor. (portrait inlaid), Soth., July 21, '02. (566) £6 15s. Old mor. (a few leaves water-stained), Hodgson, May 30, '04. (989) £10 10s. Cf. ex. (with proof portrait before the Mace (Thomas) — Continued. word " Clericjis " was altered to " Clerici," also a proof portrait of Mace, inserted), Soth., Feb. 14, '88. (220) £8 10s.

    • Large paper.

Cf., Ellis, Oct., '02. (1775) £10. MACER (A.). Macer floridus de vlri- bus herbarum. [Cologne, about 1490]. 4to. Hf. bd., Soth., July 17, '01. (599) £14 10s. M'GAURAN (E.). Memoirs of Edward M'Gauran, Lieutenant in the British Army in America. Lond., 1786. 2 vols., Svo. Unc, Barlow, Feb., '90. (1527a) $34. MACGEORGE (A.). Old Glasgow, the Place and the People. Lond., 1880. Svo. Nash, Jan., '88. (693) £1. MACGIBBON (DAVID) AND ROSS (Thomas). Castellated and Domes- tic Architecture of Scotland, from the 12th to the 18th Centurv. Edinb., 1887-92. 5 vols., Svo. Unc, Kermack, Nov., '99. (277) £S 15s. CL, Bruce, Dec, 1900. (856) £9. Soth., July 29, '01. (360) £8 10s. McGILL (W. M.). The Western World, a Poem. 1837. 16mo. Bds. unc. (place of publication and printer's name cut from title), McKee, Nov.. 1900. (460) $7. MACGILLIVRAY (JOHN). Narrative of the Voyage of H.M.S. " Rattle- snake " in 1846-50. Lond., 1852. 2 vols., Svo. Wilson, June, '92. (1429) £3. Putt., May 22, '95. (107) £2 5s. MACGILLIVRAY (W.). History of British Birds. Lond., 1837-52. 5 vols., Svo. Cf., m.e., Sullivan, June, '90. (4103) £5 5s. CI., Larking, Apr., '92. (426) £10 5s. CI., Wilson, June, '92. (1430) £7 12s 6s. CI., Walker, Mav, '93. (773) £5. Hf. cf., Brand, Mar., '94. (54) £4 17s Od. Hf. cf., Hodgson, Feb. 12, '95. (536) £4 6s. Hf. cf., Coleridge, May, '96. (S50) £3