Page:Livingston, Auction Prices of Books, 1905, Volume 3.djvu/14

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LAS CASES LATASSA Las Cases (B. de) — Continued. Mor., Washington, Dec, '91. (732) $240. Mor., g.e. (Barlow-Ives copy, last 2 leaves said to be facs.), Lefferts, June, '02. (59) £30. Mor., g.e. (Barlow-Ives-Lefferts copy), Anderson, Apr. 16, '03. (148) $46. Tears of the Indians. Trans, by J. P. Lond., 1656. Svo. Mor., Field, May, '75. (1283) $12.50. Hf. cf., g.t. (5 extra plates inserted), Wood, Mar., '91. (408) £3 5s. Mor., g.t. (plate in duplicate), Alex- ander, Mar., '95. (141) $32. Cf., Deane, Mar., '98. (2061) $22. Hf. cf.. Miller and Bancker, Dec, '98. (249) $24. Cf., Tixall, Nov., '99. (379) £5 5s. Hf. mor., Bangs, Jan. 22, '02. (279) $21. Orig. sheep (some few leaves stained and wormed), Lefferts, June, '02. (60) £8. Hf. cf., Peirce, Mar., '03. (411) $50. Popery Truly Displayed in its Bloody Colours. Lond., 1689. 4to. Hf. mor., g.e., Menzies, Nov., '76. (345) $16. Account of the First Voyages and Discoveries made by the Spaniards in America. Lond., 1699. Svo. Field, May, '75. (1285) $10.50. Cf., Murphy, Mar., '84. (486) $16. Cf., g.e.. Wood, Mar., '91. (407) £3 5s. Cf., g.e., Stone, Oct., '97. (393) $13. Hf. bd. (title mounted), Sheldon and Allen, Feb., '01. (42) $16. Cf., Putt., Dec. 15, '02. (69) £2 14s. Relation of the First Voyages and Discoveries made by the Spaniards in America. Lond., 1699. Svo. Cf., g.e., Menzies, Nov., '76. (346) $27.50. Cf., Barlow, Feb., '90. (1419) $13. Cf., Baker, Feb., '91. (286) $15. Cf., g.e.. Cox, Feb., '02. (217) $20. CEuvres. Paris, 1822. 2 vols, in 1, Svo. Hf. cf., Pratt, Apr., '99. (1498) $10. LAS CASES (COUNT DE). Journal of the Private Life of Napoleon at St. Helena. Lond., 1823. 4 vols., Svo. CI., unc, Perkins, July, '89. (1190) £1 10s. Las Cases (Count de) — Continued. Bds., unc, DeLacouperie, May, '95. (229) £2 4s. Hf. cf.. Putt., Jan. 8, '96. (203) £1 lis. Hf. cf. (in 8 vols.). Bangs, Oct. 20, '97. (514) $9.20. Cf., g.e. (in S vols.), Wireman, Nov., '97. (165) $28. Mor., g.t., unc, Libbie, Nov. 29, '98. (346) $16. Hf. mor. (in 8 vols.), Henkels, May 31, 1900. (125) $8.80. Hf. cf., y.e. (in 8 vols.), Bangs, Apr. 9, '01. (572) $22. Cf. (in 8 vols.). Bangs, Dec. 9, '01. (735) $8.80. Cf., g.e. (in 8 vols.), Hibbert, Apr., '02. (580) £4 8s. Life, Exile and Conversations of the Emperor Napoleon. Lond., 1835. 4 vols., Svo. Hf. cf., Rose, June, '91. (148) £115s. Hf. cf.. Hunt, Nov. 17, '91. (2212) $6. Hf. mor., g.e., Henkels, June 2, '98. (146) $22.25. Cf., Soth., Oct. 24, '98. (758) £1 15s. LASCELLES (R.). Letters on Ang- ling, Shooting and Coursing. Lond., 1819. Svo. Cf., Leeds, Apr., '96. (63) £2 12s. Hf. mor.. Snow, Nov., '98. (249) £lls. LASCELLES PEDIGREES, County of York. Lond., 1869. 4to. Hf. mor., Howard, June, '02. (504) £2 7s. 6d. LA SERRE (J. PUGET DE). His- toire de I'Entree de la Reyne Mere du Roy Tres-Chrestien dans la Grande Bretagne. Lond., 1639. Fol. Vel., g.e. (the Medici arms on side), Orford, Mar., '02. (135) £26.

    • Large paper.

Cf., Perkins, July, '89. (1668) £2. Mor., g.e. (with Histoire de I'Entree de la Reyne Mere du Roy tres Chrestien dans les Provinces Unies du Pavs-Bas, Lond., 1639, in 1 vol.), Beckford, Dec, '82. (1562) £66. Mor., g.e. (Beckford copy), Edwardes, May, '01. (626) £31. LATASSA (FELIX DE). Bibliotheca Antigua (y Nueva) de los Escritores Aragoneses, 1500-1795. Zaragoza