Page:Livingston, Auction Prices of Books, 1905, Volume 3.djvu/147

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MARKHAM 137 MARKHAM Markham (Gervase) — Continued. Hungers Prevention. Lond., 1655. 8vo. Cf., g.e. (some leaves cut into), Thorn- hill, Apr., '89. (221) £114s. Cf., Leigh, Dec, '89. (441) £712s. 6d. Cf. (Thomas Haywood's copy), Alex- ander, Mar., '95. (2204) $6. Cf., Ashburnham, Dec, '97. (2496) £6. Mor., g.e. (last leaf mended), Christie, Feb. 24, '03. (13) £2 ISs. Sheep (margins mended, headlines cut into), Soth., May IS, '03. (696) £2 8s. Mary Magdalens Lamentations. Lond., 1601. 4to. Mor., g.e. (headlines cut into, margins of title mended), Soth., June IS, '03. (813) £9. Master-Peace, or What doth a Horseman lacke. Lond., 1610. 4to. Cf., g.e., Soth., July 3, '99. (1647) £14 5s. Master-Peece. Lond., 1651. 4to. Cf., Beeslev, Nov., '96. (824) £2 19s. Cf., Clerk, May, '99. (479) £2. Master-Peece. Lond., 1662. 4to. Cf., Dav, Mav, '88. (99) £2 10s. Cf., Soth., Apr. 4, '98. (70) £3. Master-Peece. Lond., 1668. 4to. Cf., Aylesford, Mar., '88. (1210) £4. Cf., r.e. (engraved title remargined), Harvey, June, 1900. (476) £2 2s. Master-Peece Revived. Lond., 1683. 4to. Cf. (Hon. W. Carmichael's copy), Craig, Mar., '88. (3229) £2. Master-Peece. Lond., 1703. 4to. Cf., Aylesford, Mar., '88. (1211) £3. Master-Peece. Lond., 1734. 4to. Cf., Bangs, June 6, '95. (292) $6. Pleasures of Princes. Lond., 1614. 4to. Mor., g.e., Stewart, Mar., '88. (438) £15 15s. Hf. cf. (stained), Snow, Nov., '98. (315) £11. Cf., g.e., Inglis, June, 1900. (477) £29. Pleasures of Princes. Lond., 1625. 4to. Mor., g.e. (Rev. H. S. Cotton and Jos- eph Crawhall's copv). Snow, Nov., '98. (316) £11. Markham (Gervase) — Continued. Pleasures of Princes. Lond., 1635. 4to. Hf. mor., g.e., Thornhill, Apr., '89. (302) £2 12s. Hf. bd., Leigh, Dec, '89. (432) £9. Putt., Oct. 15, '95. (711) £2 5s. Mor., g.e., Soth., Feb. 19, '96. (392) £7 10s. Cf., g.e. (1 headline cut into), Wilbra- ham, June, '98. (356) £2 18s. Mor., g.e.. Snow, Nov., '98. (317) £7. Mor., unc, Soth., Mar. 17, '02. (943) £7. Bds. (stained), Soth., Dec. 4, '02. (1209) £8 15s. Souldier's Exercise 4to. Cf., Soth., Dec 5, '99. (110) Grammar. Lond., 1643. £lls. Lond., Souldier's 1643. 4to. Cf. (some leaves cut into), Preston, Mar., '02. (91) £1. True Tragedy of Herod and Anti- pater. Lond., 1622. 4to. (Title stained), Soth., Apr. 18, '04. (1149) £8 12s. 6d. Vox Militis. Lond., 1625. 4to. Hf. bd., Soth., Mar. 21, '98. (1170) £2. Way to Get Wealth. Lond., 1631. 4to. Hodgson, June 1, 1900. (516) £3 3s. Vel., Soth., Dec 17, 1900. (715) £6. Way to Get Wealth. Lond., 1638. 4to. Cf., Thomond, May, '87. (299) £lls. Cf. (some leaves stained), Ashburn- ham, Nov., '97. (166) £4 4s. Cf., y.c. Snow, Nov., '98. (321) £2 2s Cf., Clerk, May, '99. (478) £3 3s. Way to Get Wealth. Lond., 1648. 4to. Cf., m.e.. Snow, Nov., '98. (322) £1 5s. Way to Get Wealth. Lond., 1660. 4to. Hf. cf., Aylesford, Mar., '88. (1209) £llls. Cf., Snow, Nov., '98. (323) £2 16s. Way to Get Wealth. Lond., 1668. 4to. Cf., Soth., July 13, '87. (565) £16s. Cf., Snow, Nov., '98. (325) £16s.