Page:Livingston, Auction Prices of Books, 1905, Volume 3.djvu/164

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MARYLAND 154 MARYLAND MARYLAND JOURNAL AND BALTI- more Advertiser. Baltimore, v.d. Fol. Vol. 12, Jan. 4, to Dec. 30, 1785, hf. bd., Brinley, Mar., 'SO. (3686) $33. MARYLAND. Archives of Maryland. Baltimore, Maryland Hist. Soc, v.d. 8vo. Vols. 1-17 and 19, together 18 vols., cl., Libbie, June 19, 1900. (789) $9.90. Articles of Agreement between the Right Honourable the Lord Proprie- tary of Maryland, and the Honour- able the Proprietarys of Pensilvania, &c., touching the Limits and Boun- daries of the Two Provinces. Phila., B. Franklin, 1733. Fol. (Title extended on inner margin, last leaf mounted), Henkels, Apr. 27, 1900. (609) $72.50. At a Meeting of The Maryland Society for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery, held at Baltimore, Feb. 4, 1792. 4to. Hf. mor., Poole, May, 1900. (623) $6. Declaration of the Reasons and Motives for the Present Appearing in Arms, etc. Lond., Reprinted, 1689. Fol. Unbd., unc, Bangs, Jan. 29, '03. (393) $95. Diocese of Maryland. Convention Journals. Baltimore, v.d. 8vo. For 1812, and 1816-79 (lacking 1835, 1836 and 1861), with special Jour- nal for 1839, together 47 vols., parts and hf. sheep, Brooks, Oct., '98. (303) $7.05. History of Western Maryland. Phila., 1882. 2 vols., 8vo. Hf. mor., Dawson, June, '90. (2529) $8. Journals of the Senate and House of Delegates of the Secession Legis- lature. Frederick, Md., 1861. 4 vols., 8vo. Sheep, Bangs, Nov. 27, '96. (281) $19. ACTS, LAWS, etc., chronologically arranged. Acts of Assembly, passed from 1692-1715. Lond., 1723. Fol. Cf.. Brinlev. Mar., '80. (3657) $42. Cf., Putt., Dec. 11, '99. (27) £1 12s. Maryland — Coiitimicd. Compleat Collection of the Laws of Maryland. Annapolis, 1727. Fol. Cf., Brinley, Mar., '80. (3658) $42. Acts of the Province, made and passed at a Session of Assembly, held at Annapolis, Feb. 22, 1755. Annapolis, 1755. Fol. (With an Act passed at a Session of Assembly held at Annapolis, Dec. 12, 1754, in 1 vol.), Rogers, Oct., 1900. (20) $5.50. Acts of the Province, made and passed at a Session of Assembly held at Annapolis, Sept. 14, 1756. Annapolis, 1757. Fol. Rogers, Oct., 1900. (21) $5.50. Acts of the Province, made and passed at a Session of Assembly held at Baltimore-Town, Apr. 8, 1757. Annapolis, 1757. Fol. Rogers, Oct., 1900. (22) $6. Abridgement and Collection of the Acts of Assembly, at Present in Force. By James Bisset. Phila., W. Bradford, 1759. 8vo. Sheep, Brinley, Mar., '80. (3659) $40. Sheep, Betts, Apr., '01. (688*) $6.50. Laws, Now first Collected into One Compleat Body, by Thomas Bacon. Annapolis, 1765. Fol. Cf., Brinlev, Mar., '80. (3660) $28. Cf., Dawson, June, '90. (2505) $11. Sheep (stained and broken), Water- bury, Jan., '95. (802) $5.50. Sheep, Miller and Bancker, Dec, '98. (107a) $12. Cf., Henkels, Apr. 19, '99. (457) $5. Cf., Henkels, Apr. 27, 1900. (628) $31. Cf., Hough, Oct., 1900. (645) $6. Cf., Bangs, Jan. 22, '01. (661) $10. Cf., Bangs, Jan. 6, '02. (179) $6.75. Laws, made since 1763. Annapolis, 1787. Fol. Sheep, Brinley, Mar., 'SO. (3661) $28. Sheep, Moore, May, '93. (1193) $32. Sheep, Bangs, Nov. 7, '98. (207) $19.50. Sheep, Miller and Bancker, Dec, '98. (108a) $17. Sheep, Richmond, May, '99. (263) $10.50. Unbd. (Judge U. S. Heath's copy), Bangs, Jan. 22, '01. (662) $6. Unbd. (the preceding copy resold), Bangs, Jan. 6, '02. (180) $5.25.