Page:Livingston, Auction Prices of Books, 1905, Volume 3.djvu/35

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LENTON 25 LEOPOLD Lenton (Francis) — Continned. Cf., g.e., Gaisford, Apr., '90. (1104) £2 12s. LENTULO (SCIPIO). An Italian Grammar. Turned English, by H. G[ranthan]. Lond., 1575. Svo. Cf., g.e., Ellis, Oct., '02. (1482) £3 6s. Cf., g.e., Soth., May 18, '03. (619) £26. An Italian Grammar. Turned English by H. G[ranthan]. Lond., 1587. Svo. Orig. vel., Soth., July 28, '03. (125) £10. LEO (AMBROSIUS). De Nola patria Opusculum. Venice, 1514. Fol. Cf., Sunderland, Julv, '82. (7340) £4 4s. Cf., Crawford, Mar., '91. (1854) £13 5s. Cf., Soth., Mar. 19, '96. (488) £2 17s. 6d. Cf. (Sunderland copv), Edwardes, May, '01. (448) £4 4s. LEO (JOHN). Historiale Description de I'Afrique. Lvons, 1556. 2 vols., fol. Mor., g.e. (in 1 vol.), Perkins, July, '89. (1201) £2 15s. Hf. bd. (some leaves stained), Soth., Apr. 12, '99. (398) £1 10s. Geographical Historie of Africa. Trans, by J. Pory. Lond., 1600. Fol. Hopetoun, Feb., '89. (871) £17s. Hf. mor.. Wiper, Jan., '91. (531) £1 2s. Vel., Inglis, June, 1900. (427) £8 12s. 6d. Cf., Soth., Mav 18, '03. (756) £8 17s. 6d. History and Description of Africa. Edited by R. Brown. Lond., Hak- luvt Soc, 1896. 3 vols., Svo. Soth., Oct. 29, 1900. (561) £12s. LEON Y GAMA (ANTONIO DE). Descripcion de las d'os Piedras, etc. Mexico, 1832. 4to. Sheep, Boban, Dec, '86. (2352) $7.50. Tratado de Conflrmaciones Reaies de Encomiendas, etc., en qui se re- quieren para las cludias Occident- ales. Madrid, 1630. 4to. Cf., r.e., Cooke, Dec, '83. (1430) $7. LEON (MARTIN DE). Carmino del Cielo en lengua Mexicana. Mexico, Diego Lopez, 1611. 4to. Leon (Martin de) — Contimiecl. Hf. mor. (lacking title, and some leaves stained). Murphy, Mar., '84. (1470) $9.50. LEONARD (ABIEL). A Prayer. Camb., Mass., 1775. 16mo. Cf., g.e., Coburn, Apr., '88. (1798) $5.50. LEONARD (DANIEL). Massachuset- tensis. [Bost., 1775]. Svo. Mor., Cooke, Dec, '83. (1427*) $13. Massachusettensis. Lond., 1776. Svo. Hf. mor., Libbie, Nov. 20, '95. (764) $5.25. Novangius and Massachuset- tensis. Bost., 1819. Svo. Hf. mor., g.t.. Rice, Mar., '70. (6) $6. Hf. mor., g.t.. Barlow, Feb. '90. (18) $5. Present Political State of the Province of Massachusetts Bav. N. Y., 1775. Svo. Paper, unc, Manson, Mar., '99. (2630) $6. LEONARD. Souvenirs of Leonard, Hairdresser to Marie Antoinette. Trans, by A. F. de Mattos. Lond., 1897. 2 vols., Svo. CI., unc, Daly, Mar., 1900. (2077) $9. CL, unc, Bangs, June 13, '01. (422) $15. LEONARDO DA VINCI. Literary Works. Edited by J. P. Richter. Lond., 1883. 2 vols., Svo. CL, Soth., June 22, '91. (223) £4. CL, Putt, Feb. 10, '92. (971) £3 10s. CL, Soth., July 2, '92. (47) £4. CL, Warrington, Nov., '93. (1393) £3 5s. CL, Wills, July, '94. (985) £3 5s. CL, Wills, July, '94. (986) £3 4s. CL, Price, June, '95. (275) £3 6s. CL, Soth., Dec. 13, '97. (242) £2 13s. CL, Soth., June 27, '98. (869) £2 5s. LEOPOLD, OF AUSTRIA. Compilatio de Astrorum Scientia, decern con- tinens Tractatus. N.p., 1489. Col- ored plates. Svo. Mor., g.e., Hockley, Apr., '87. (299) £2 4s. Cf., g.e., Soth., Nov. 20, '99. (1077) £1 18s. Leather, Inglis, June, 1900. (432) £4 17s. 6d.