Page:Livingston, Auction Prices of Books, 1905, Volume 3.djvu/353

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NEW YORK 343 NEW YORK New York Colony and State — Cont'd. Laws, from 1691 to 1751. N. Y., James Parker, 1752; with Vol. 2, Laws from 1752 to 1762. N. Y., W. Wevman, 1762. 2 vols., fol. Sheep, unc, Brinley, Mar., '80. (2731) $24. Hf. sheep. Miller and Bancker, Dec, '99. (100a) $40. Old cf.. Hough, Oct., 1900. (770) $22. Old cf. (lacking 6 leaves of Contents, in 1 vol.). Bangs, Feb. 25, '01. (203) $10. Cf. (Vol. 2 only), Montayne, Feb., '98. (204) $9.25. Laws, from 1691 to 1773. N. Y., Hugh Gaine, 1774. 2 vols, in 1, fol. Cf., Brinlev, Mar., '80. (2734) $10.25. Cf., Brinley, Mar., '80. (2735) $5. Sheep (broken). Bangs, Nov. 11, '95. (340) $16. Sheep, Bangs, Mar. 23, '96. (43) $12.50. Sheep, Bangs, Mar. 28, '98. (879) $6.50. Laws, from Dec. 22, 1770, to Feb. 16, 1771. Pages 731-822, fol. Paper, Moore, May, '93. (1489) $22. Paper, Moore, May, '93. (1490) $6. Laws, from Jan. 31, to Apr. 4, 1775. Pages 81-200, fol. Paper, Moore, May, '93. (1492) $7. Paper, Moore, May, '93. (1493) $6.50. Laws, commencing with tine First Session of the Senate and Assembly, after the Organization of the New Government, 1777. Poughkeepsie, John Holt, 1782. Fol. Hf. cf. (lacking printed title). Bangs, Nov. 11, '95. (341) $6.50. Unbd., Hough. Oct., 1900. (771) $12. Sheep (Daniel D. Tompkins' copv), Bangs, Nov. 12, 1900. (441) $24. Old bdg. (with Laws passed 1781-86, in 1 vol.), Brinlev, Mar., 'SO. (2736) $26. Laws, from Feb. 12, to May 12, 17S4. N. Y., Elizabeth Holt, 1784. Pages 1-126, fol. Moore, May, '93. (1494) $7. Hf. cf. (with Laws passed at the first Meeting of the Eighth Session, 1784, pp. 3-34. in 1 vol.). Bangs, Nov. 11, '95. (342) $6.50. Hf. sheep (with Laws, N. Y., S and J. Loudon, 1785-86, in 1 vol.). Hough, Oct. 1900. (777) $40. New York Colony and State — ConVd. Laws, passed at the last Meeting of the Eighth Session, 1785. N. Y., S. Loudon, 1785. Fol. Hf. cf. (with Laws passed at the first meeting of the Ninth Session, etc., in 1 vol.). Bangs, Nov. 11, '95. (343) $11.25. Hf. sheep (with Laws, from the 9th to the 13th Session, 1786-89, in 1 vol.), Bangs, Mar., 16, '96. (64) $55. Laws, passed at the Tenth Session. N. Y., S. and J. Loudon, 1787. Fol. Hf. cf.. Bangs, Nov. 11, '95. (344) $17. Hf. cf., Halleran, Mav, '99. (131) $9. Hf. cf.. Bangs, June 13, '99. (400) $9. Hf. cf.. Bangs, Jan. 4, 1900. (217) $5.75. Cf. (with Laws passed at the Eleventh Session, 1788, in 1 vol.). Hough, Oct. 1900. (772) $16. Laws, passed at the Eleventh Ses- sion. N. Y., S. and J. Loudon, 1788. Fol. Hf. cf., Bangs, Nov. 11, '95. (345) $13.50. Laws, passed by the Legislature at the Twelfth Session. N. Y., S. and J. Loudon, 1789. Fol. Sewed, unc, Hough, Oct. 1900. (773) $10. Hf. cf. (with Laws, passed at the first Meeting of the Thirteenth Session, in 1 vol.), Bangs, Nov. 11, '95. (346) $18. Laws, from July 14, 1789, to Mar. 24, 1791. Fol. Moore, May, '93. -(1496) $8. Laws, from the First to the Twelfth Sessions. [Compiled by Samuel Jones and Richard Varick.] N. Y., H. Gaine, 1789. 2 vols., fol. Old cf. (in 1 vol.), Brinley, Mar., '80. (2739) $6. Old cf.. Bangs, Nov. 11, '95. (347) $11. Cf. (in 1 vol.), Bangs, Mar. 16, '96. (65) $8. Orig. cf.. Bangs, Jan. 24, '98. (464) $13.50. Cf.. Halleran, May, '99. (46) $10.50. Orig. cf.. Bangs, Nov. 12, 1900. (450^ $19. Laws, passed from the Thirteenth to the Seventeenth Session. N. Y., F. Childs and J. Swaine, 1790-94. 5 vols., fol.