Page:Livingston, Auction Prices of Books, 1905, Volume 3.djvu/40

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LESLIE 30 LESSONS Leslie (Charles) — Continued. Short and Easie Method with the Deists. Lond., 1723. With Speech of Mr. John Checkley, Lond., 1738, and the Specimen. In 1 vol., 8vo. Hf. mor., g.e., Menzies, Nov., '76. (1230) $21. HL cf., Bangs, Mar. 22, '01. (207) $10. Hf. mor., g.e. (without the " True Dis- senting Catechism"), Coolie, Dec, '83. (1431) $17.50. Mor., g.e. (the "Speech" dated 1739; in 2 vols.), Cooke, Dec, '83. (508) $34. Short and Easy Method with the Deists. Williamsburg, Va., 1733. 12mo. Hf. mor., Brinley, Mar., '80. (3818) $8. Snake in the Grass. Lond., 1696. 8vo. Cf., Brinley, Mar., '80. (3545) $5.50. Cf., Deane, Mar., '98. (2095) $11.25. Snake in the Grass. Lond., 1698. 3 vols., 8vo. Cf., Cresson, May, '02. (388) $6.75. LESLIE (C. R.). Memoirs of John Con- stable. Lond., 1843. 4to. Hf. mor.. Putt., Jan. 10, '89. (879) £3 15s. Hf. mor., Hutt, May, '89. (1607) £5 10s. Hf. mor., unc, Boyd, July, '90. (177) £7 10s. Hf. mor., Rose, June, '91. (611) £7 17s. 6d. Hf. mor., Ashburnham, June, '97. (1177) £7 10s. Hf. mor., unc, Soth., Dec. 13, 1900. (698) £8 15s. Hf. mor., unc, Soth., Mar. 22, '01. (605) £9. Hf. mor., unc, Soth., Dec. 2, '01. (667) £11.

    • Large paper.

Hf. mor., unc. Wood, Mar., '91. (886) £12 15s. Mor., g.e. (one plate mounted), Soth., Nov. 20, '99. (340) £11 5s. LESLIE (C. R.) AND TAYLOR (T.). Life and Times of Sir J. Reynolds. Lond., 1865. 2 vols., Svo. Rose, June, '91. (1367) £115s. Hf. cf., m.e., Hutchinson, Feb., '92. (485) £115s. Leslie (C. R.) and Taylor (T.)— Co;i. Hf. cf., Foggo, Dec, '92. (594) £2 4s. CI., unc, Eastlake, June, '94. (11) £1 14s. Unc, Kurtz, July, '95. (625) £118s. Cf., unc. (with 33 extra plates in- serted). Bangs, Feb. 6, '96. (446) $13. Cf., Leighton, July, '96. (92) £2 12s. CI., unc, Bangs, Jan. 27, '97. (519) $8. Cf., Soth., Mar. 7, '98. (635) £2 4s. Hf. cf., Bancker, Mar., '98. (422) $6.20. CI., Soth., Mar. 17, '99. (681) £2 3s. Hf. mor.. Cox, Apr., '99. (786) $11.50. CL, unc, Fraser, Apr., '01. (1407) £3 3s. CI., Christie, Dec. 18, '01. (79) £3 10s. CL, Soth., July 14, '02. (569) £3 14s. LESLIE (FORBES). Early Races of Scotland and their Monuments. Edinb., 1866. 2 vols., 8vo. Cf. ex.. Walker, May, '93. (277) £1 17s. Hf. mor., r.e.. Lamb, Feb., '98. (791) £13s. LESSING (G. E.). Lucy Sampson, or the Unhappy Heiress. Trans, by a Citizen of Philadelphia [David Rit- tenhouse.] Phila., 1789. 8vo. Paper, McKee, Nov., 1900. (1225) $6. LESSING (JULIUS). Ancient Orien- tal Carpet Patterns. Lond., 1879. Colored plates. 8vo. Sheets, Bangs, Oct. 6, '98. (305) $9. Sheets, Probasco, Jan. 16, '99. (966) $11.75. Sheets, Bangs, Mar. 7, '01. (211) $8. LESSONS FOR CHILDREN FROM Two to Four Years Old; Lessons for Children of Four Years Old, Parts 1 and 2; Lessons for Children from Four to Five Years Old. Phila., B. F. Bache, 1788. 4 vols., 16mo. Orig. paper covers, unc. and unopened, in box. Bangs, Apr. 9, '01. (501) $32. Orig. paper covers, in case (without Lessons for Children from Two to Four Years), Bangs, Oct. 21, '01. (413) $7.50. Orig. paper covers (Lessons for Chil- dren from Four to Five Years only, 2 vols.). Baker, Feb., '91. (262) $12. LESSONS OF THRIFT. By a Member of the Save-all Club. Lond., 1820.