Page:Livingston, Auction Prices of Books, 1905, Volume 3.djvu/430

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PEIRCE 420 PEMBERTON PEIRCE (BENJAMIN). History of Harvard University. Camb., 1833. Svo. Bds., unc, Manson, Feb., '99. (1749) $6. PEIRCE (JAMES). Tractate on Church Music. Lond., 1786. 8vo. Hf. roan, unc, Probasco, Jan., '99. (1134) $9.75. PEIRSON (ABRAHAM). Some Helps for the Indians. Hartford, 1873. Svo. Paper, Murphy, Mar., '84. (1984) $5.75. PELAGIUS (ALVARUS). De Planctu Ecclesise Lib. II. Ulm, 1474. Fol. Leather (wormed), Morris, Dec, '98. (939) £3 16s. PELBY (WILLIAM). Letters on the Tremont Theatre. Bost., 1830. 8vo. Paper, unc, McKee, Jan., '01. (1929) $5. PELHAM (CAMDEN). Chronicles of Crime. Lond., 1841. 2 vols., 8vo. Hf. cf.. Cosier, June, '87. (221) £2 15s. CI., Putt., Jan., '89. (740) £17s. Cf., g.e.. Hailstone, Feb., '91. (1647) £110s. Hf. mor., g.t, Glasse, July, '92. (2068) £2 17s. 6d. Unc, Lawrence, May, '92. (502) £1 16s. CI., unc, Bangs, Dec. 1, '99. (187) $6.50. Hf. mor., g.t.. Bangs, Jan. 27, '02. (1297) $5. CI., unc, Henkels, May 27, '03. (196) $24. PELLEPRAT (PIERRE). Relation des Missions des P. P. de la Com- pagnie de Jesus Dans les Isles and dans la terre ferme de I'Amerique Meridionale. Paris, 1655, Svo. Vel., Barlow, Feb., '90. (1918) $6. Mor., g.e., Soth., Jan. 29, '96. (65) £3 5s. PELLET (THE). A Record of the Massachusetts Homoeopathic Hospi- tal Fair. Edited by T. B. Aldrich. Bost., 1872. Svo. Paper, unc, May, Jan., '03. (13) $8. Paper, unc, Anderson, Apr. 22, '03. (S) $10. PELLETREAU (W. S.). Early New York Houses. N. Y., 1900. Svo. Parts. Bangs, Apr. 22, 1901. (212) $5.75. Pelietreau (W. S.) — Continued. CL, unc, Bangs, May 13, '01. (222) $7.63. CL, Bangs, Oct. 3, '01. (415) $6.50.

    • Japan paper.

In parts. Bangs, Feb. 10, '02. (141) $12.50. Register of the Pelietreau Family. Southampton, L. I., 1863. Svo. Sewed, unc, Henkels, June 12, '01. (401) $5.75. PELLHAM (E.). God's Power and Providence, Shewed in the Preser- vation of Eight Englishmen Left in Greenland. Lond., 1631. 4to. Mor., g.e. (lacking map, one leaf mended). Barlow, Feb., '90. (1919) $16. PELLOS (F.). Arte de Arithmeticha. Turin, 1492. 4to. Vel., Soth., July 17, '01. (715) £59. PELL RECORDS. Edited by F. De- von. Lond., 1835-37. Svo. Cf., Aylesford, Mar., '88. (1340) £1 3s. PELTON (J. M.). Genealogy of the Pelton Family. Albany, 1892. 4to. CL, unc, Morris, Apr.. '99. (1112) $5.50. PEMBERTON (EBENEZER). Fu- neral Sermon on the Death of Sam- uel Willard. Bost., 1707. 12mo. Cf. (autograph of S. Drake), McKee, May, '02. (4654) $8. Sermon Preached at the Ordina- tion of David Brainerd. Bost., 1744. 4to. Unc, Brinley, Mar., '79. (460) $12. Hf. mor., g.t.. Murphy, Mar., '84. (1923) $11. Cf., Deane, Mar., '98. (2757) $9. Catalogue of Curious and Valuable Books, belonging to Ebenezer Pem- berton. Bost.. 1717. Svo. Unc, Brinley, Mar., '79. (1669) $13. PEMBERTON (E.). Essay for the Further Improvement of Dancing. Lond., 1711. 4to. Hf. cf.. Soth., Aug. 2, '94. (454) £3 5s. PEMBERTON (ISRAEL). Several Conferences between some of the Principal People amongst the Qua- kers and the Deputies from the Six Nations. Newcastle, 1756. Svo. Brinley, Apr., '81. (5497) $15.