Page:Livingston, Auction Prices of Books, 1905, Volume 3.djvu/445

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PENNY 435 PEPPER Penny Cyclopaedia — Cotdinued. Percy, May, '90. (830) £18s. Hf. cf. (in 16 vols.), Aylesford, Mar., '88. (1322) £14s. PENNYPACKER (S. W.)- Hendrick Pannebecker. Phila., 1894. 8vo. Paper, unc, Whitmore, Nov., '02. (2360) $12.25. The Settlement of Germantown. Phila., 1899. 8vo. CI., Bangs, Nov. 17, '02. (367) $13. CI., Peirce, Mar., '03. (586) $21. PENOBSCOT. History of Penobscot Co., Me. Cleveland, 1882. 4to. Hf. mor., g.e., Hanson, Mar., '99. (3353) $6. PENRI (JOHN). Exhortation unto the Governours and People of his Majestie's Countrie of Wales. N.p., 1588. Svo. Mor. (manuscript notes on title and margins, 2 manuscript poems at end), Makellar, Nov., '98. (2057) £10 5s. Hay any Worke for Cooper. By Martin the Metropolitane. Printed in Europe, not farre from some of the Bounsing Priestes, n.d. 4to. Hf. mor., g.e. (headline cut into), Law- rence, May, '92. (412) £15s. Hf. mor., Macaulay, Mar., '96. (188) £llSs. (With Epistle to the Terrible Priestes of the Convocation House, [1588], in 1 vol.), Hodgson, June 1, 1900. (537) £4 15s. Oh Read over D. John Brydges for it is a Worthy Worke. Lond., [1588]. 4to. Mor., g.e. (title and last leaf mended), Reid, May, '94. (3180) £2. Mor., g.e. (title mended), Pools, June, '03. (1057) £3 10s. Viewe of some part of such Pub- llcke Wants and disorders as are in the Service of God, within her Maj- esties Countrie of Wales. N.p., [1588]. Svo. Old cf. (with Appellation of John Penri, unto the Highe Court of Par- liament, from the bad dealing of the Archb. of Canterb. Anno 1589. in 1 vol.: David Laing's copy), Makel- lar, Nov., '98. (2058) £12 15s. PENROSE (F. C). Illustrations of the Parthenon. Fol. Penrose — Continued. In portfolio, Churchill, Nov., '89. (960) £15s. Principles of Athenian Architec- ture. Lond., Dilettanti Soc, 1851. 41 plates, some colored. Fol. Thompson, May, '87. (332) £3Ss. Bds., Shaw, July, '88. (1278) £4 8s. Eds., Lockhart, Feb., '89. (782) £3 18s. Wilson, June, '92. (1768) £2 14s. Eastlake, June, '94. (171) £4. Soth., Nov. 4, '95. (729) £2 10s. Leighton, July, '96. (277) £2 15s. Bds., Carruth, May, '98. (835) $7. Principles of Athenian Architec- ture. Lond., 1888. Plates, some col- ored. Fol. Hf. mor., unc, Tomline, Jan., '90. (117) £5 15s. Leighton, July, '96. (278) £5. Mor., Van Branteghen, July, '01. (159) £6 10s. Hf. mor., Hodgson, Jan. 8, '02. (932) £4 12s. 6d. PENTATEUCH, OR FIVE BOOKS OF Moses. Trans, by William Tyndall. Marlborow, Hans Luft, 1530. 8vo. Mor., g.e. (Grenville copy), Crawford, .Tune. '87. (349) £255. Pentateuch. Trans, by William Tyndall. [Marlborow, Hans Luft], 15^34. 8vo. Mor., g.e. (a few marginal notes cut into, last leaf inlaid), Ashburnham, June, '97. (492) £270. Books 2-5 only (lacking 8 preliminary leaves. Folios 43-47, 49 and 57 of Exodus; all before Fol. 17, and Folios 50 and 51 of Leviticus, title of Pro- logue, title and following leaf in facs.; Numbers lacking 10 leaves of Prologue, last leaf in facs.: the first 4 leaves, Fol. 57, and last leaf of Deuteronomy in facs.), Makellar, Nov.. '98. (240) £00. PEOPLE'S ALMANAC. Post.. 1842. Illustrations by G. Cruikshank. Svo. Sewed, Bangs, Mar. 24, '02. (769) $19. PEPPER (W.), AND STARR (L.). System of Practical Medicine. Phila., 1885, etc. 5 vols., Svo. Sheep. Henkels, June 10, '96. (96) $11.25. CI., Libbie. Sept. 30. '97. (765) $5.62. CI., Libbie, Oct. 8. '97. (360) $7.50. . CI., Bangs, Mar. 15, '99. (235) $5.50.