Page:Livingston, Auction Prices of Books, 1905, Volume 3.djvu/466

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PICART 456 PICKERING Picart (B.) — Coiitiitucd. pies du Monde. Amsterdam, 1723- 37. 7 vols., fol. Cf., Deacon, Dec, '92. (668) £llls. Cf., Witton, Jan., '93. (635) £2 2s. Cf., Christie, Jan., '93. (557) £2 7s.

    • Large paper.

Cf.. Phillips Nov., '87. (3489) £3 ISs. Cf., Soth., Dec. 2, '89. (644) £5. Cf., Larking, Apr., '92. (840) £3 15s. Cf. (with Supplement, 2 vols.). Putt., Apr. 7, '92. (934) £2 2s. Cf. (with Superstitions, 2 vols.), Smith, Nov., '94. (348) £2 Is. Mor., g.e. (with Supplement, 2 vols., and Superstitions, 2 vols., together 11 vols.), Cholmondeley, Feb., '97. (312) £22. Mor., g.e. (with Supplement and Superstitions), Harvey, June, 1900. (531) £7 15s. Mor., g.e. (with Supplement and Superstitions, in 10 vols.), Ed- wardes. May, '01. (494) £9 10s. Ceremonies and Religious Cus- toms of the various Nations of the Known World. Lond., 1733-39. 7 vols, in 6, fol. Cf., Potts, Nov., '88. (1272) £6 5s. Sheep (4 vols.), Livermore, Nov., '94. (1903) $8. Cf., Branch, Oct. 2, '95. (225) £3 10s. Cf., Childe, July, '96. (257) £15s. Cf., Coghlan, Dec, '96. (637) £2 18s Cf., Rogers, Nov., '98. (439) $18. Cf., Soth., Oct. 29, 1900. (343) £1 19s. Cf. (5 vols.), Henkels, Dec 19, 1900. (284) $18. Cf.. Soth., Nov. 25, '01. (1015) £2 14s. Rus., Soth., July 14, '02. (91) £4.

    • Large paper.

Unc. Smith, Mav, '89. (479) £3 15s. Martin. Mar.. '90. (1290) £2 10s. Cf., Southby, Dec. '90. (209) £4 10s. Hf. bd . -imc. Ditchfield, Apr., '93. (149C) £3 10.s. Cf., Brewer, July, '95. (374) £2 6s. Cf., Oct. 14, '97. (415) $34.50. Cf., Bangs, Feb. 21, '98. (244) $15.75. Hf. bd., Lundy, Feb.. '99. (755) $28.20. Cf.. Henkels, .Tan. 18. '01. (222) $57. Impostures Innocentes, or a Col- Picart (B.) — Continued. lection of Prints from the most cele- brated Painters. Lond., 1766. Fol. Hf. rus.. Putt., Nov., '87. (677) £2 6s. Hf. vel., Sewall, Jan., '97. (2892) $13. PICHON (JEROME). Life of Charles Henrv Count Hovm. N. Y., Grolier Club, 1899. Svo. Hf. mor.. Bangs, Nov. 10, '99. (141) $20. Hf. mor., Edelheim, Mar., 1900. (1269) $17. Hf. mor.. Bangs, Mar. 19, 1900. (353) $16. Hf. mor., Bangs, Nov. 26, 1900. (387) $19. Hf. mor.. Bangs, Feb. 13, '01. (175) $18. Hf. mor., French, Apr., '01. (667) $20. Hf. mor., Carey, Apr., '02. (186) $17.50. Hf. mor., Lefferts, Apr., '02. (676) $16.50. Hf. mor., Peirce, Mar., '03. (328) $18. Hf. mor., Appleton. Apr., '03. (208) $15. PICHON (THOMAS). Lettres et Memoires pour servire a I'Histoire du Cape Breton. The Hague, 1760. 12mo. Cf., Hart, Apr., '90. (1849) $5.50. Cf., Lincoln, Oct., '01. (911) $5. PICK (SAMUEL). Festum Volupta- tis. or Banquet of Pleasure. Lond.. 1639. 4to. Cf., g.e. (lower margins cut close), Crawford, Mar., '91. (2426) £2 126. PICKARD (S. T.). Life and Letters of J. G. Whittier. Cambridge, 1894. 2 vols., Svo.

    • Large paper.

Eds., unc, Libbie, Oct. 17, '95. (1263) $7. Bds., unc, Libbie, Feb. 18, '97. (991) $5.50. Bds.. unc. Bangs, Dec. 9, '01. (1032) $5.50. Bds., unc, Whipple, Apr., '03. (1191) $6.50. PICKERING (HENRY). The Buck- wheat Cake, a Poem. Bost., 1831. Svo. Silk. Soth., Apr. 2, '90. (3436) $5.75. PICKERING (JOHN). A Vocabulary, or Collection of Words and Phrases