Page:Livingston, Auction Prices of Books, 1905, Volume 3.djvu/503

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POULSON 493 POWNALL Poulson (G.) — Continued. Hf. mor. (in 1 vol.), Wells, May, '90. (391) £110s. Mor., Brabourne, May, '91. (521) £2 4s. Hf. cf., g.e., Stansfield, June, '98. (869) £lls. History and Antiquities of Hol- derness. Hull, 1840. 2 vols., 4to. Hodgson, May 18, '87. (292) £1 8s. Cf., g.e., Aylesford, Mar., '88. (1150) £4 5s. Unc, Craig, Mar., '88. (3950) £15s. CI., Putt., Mar. 28, '89. (277) £114s. Cooper, Oct., '91. (820) £llls. Hf. cf., Hookins, Apr., '93. (1043) £1 3s. Unc, Rutter, May, '99. (232) £1 2s.

    • Large paper.

CI., Soth., May 1, '89. (280) £1 Is. Parts, Soth., Feb. 24, '96. (517) £1 2s. Rus., y.e., Ashburton, Nov., 1900. (634) £113s. POWEL (D.). Love of Wales to their Sovereign Prince. Lond., 1837. 8vo. Buckley, Apr., '94. (3204) £2 8s. POWELL (GEORGE). The Treacher- ous Brothers. Lond., 1690. 4to. Bds. (stain on title and two leaves damaged), McKee, Apr., '01. (2555) $13. Mor., g.t., Lefferts, Apr., '02. (10G9) $8.50. POWELL (JOHN). Assize of Bread. Lond., 1684. 4to. Hf. rus., Bell, Mar., '02. (276) £118s. POWELL (J. W.). Reports of the Bureau of Ethnology. First to Six- teenth Report. Washington, 1881-97. 16 vols., Svo. CI. (in 17 vols.), Donaldson, Oct., '99. (1099) $25.50. CI., Henkels, Dec. 19, 1900. (208) $17.80. CI. (in 17 vols.), Libbie, Mar. IS, '02. (972) $30.00. CI. (1st to 15th Report, in 16 vols.), Donaldson, Oct., '99. (1100) $10.40. POWELL (THOMAS). A Welch Bayte to Spare Prouender. Lond., 1603. 4to. Mor., Corser, Feb., '71. (316) £18. POWELL (THOMAS). The Attour- ney's Academy. Lond., 1623. 4to. Cf., Soth., May 18, '03. (757) £G10s. POWER (J.). An Attempt to Prove that the Term of Human Pregnancy may be Extended. Lond., 1826. 8vo. Bds., Hartley, Apr., '87. (775) £112s. POWER AND GRANDEUR OF Great-Britain founded on the Liberty of the Colonies and the Mischiefs Attending the Taxing them by Act of Parliament, Demonstrated. N. Y., J. Parker, 1768. 8vo. Sewed (name on title). Miller and Bancker, Dec, '98. (479) $10. POWERSCOURT (VISCOUNT). Ye Kinges offe Cairnlochan Forreste offe Glenisla. Dublin, 1858. Svo. Mor., g.e. (plates foxed), Hibbert, Apr., '02. (643) £110s. POWIS (EARL OF). Speech on Mov- ing the Second Reading of a Bill for Preventing the Union of the Sees of St. Asaph and Bangor. Lond., 1843. 4to.

    • Large paper.

Hf. mor., unc, Brabourne, May, '91. (979) £2 10s. POWNALL (THOMAS). Administra- tion of the Colonies. Lond., 176S. Svo. Cf. (Edmund Burke's copy, with man- uscript notes), Soth., Feb. 24, '96. (838) £7. Administration of the British Col- onies. Lond.; 1774. 2 vols., Svo. Hf. cf., Menzies, Nov., '76. (1623) $5. Cf., Guild, Nov., '87. (3882) $5. Considerations on the Points Lately Brought into Question as to the Parliament's Right of Taxing the Colonies. Lond., 1766. Svo. Hf. mor.. Weeks, Mar., '02. (498) $6. Hydraulic and Nautical Observa tions on the Currents in the Atlan tic Ocean. Lond., 1787. 4to. Hf. cf., Murphy, Mar., '84. (2021) $18 Memorial, Most Humbly Ad dressed to the Sovereigns of Europe on the Present State of Affairs be tween the Old and New World Lond., 1780. Svo. Hf. mor.. Weeks, Mar., '02. (568) $5 Principles of Polity. Lond., 1752 4to. Cf., Moore, May, '93. (1961) $9.50. Six Remarkable Views in the Provinces of New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Lond., 1761. Fol.