Page:Livingston, Auction Prices of Books, 1905, Volume 3.djvu/588

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RIBADEXEYRA 578 RICH RIBADENEYRA (P. PEDRO DE). Historia Eclesiastica del Cisma de Inglaterra. Madrid, 1751. 4to. Mor., g.e., Crawford, July, '96. (805) £13. Life of the Holy Patriarch S. Ig- natius of Loyola. N.p., 1622. 8vo. Mor., g.e., Ashburton, Nov., 1900. (664) £3 3s. RIBAS (ANDRES PEREZ DE). His- toria de los Triumplios de Nuestra Santa Fee entra Gentes las Mas Barbaras y Fieras del Nuevo Orbe. Madrid, 1G45. Fol. Mor., Stevens, July, '86. (448) £6. Cf. (writing on title, pages stained), Del Monte, June, '88. (403) $12. (Some leaves stained), Frere, Oct., '97. (255) £4 4s. RIBBLESDALE (LORD). Queen's Hounds and Stag Hunting Recollec- tions. Lond., 1S97. 4to.

    • Large paper.

Hf. vel., unc, Sotb., Dec. IS, '99. (1365) £16s. RICE (ABNER). Address at Meeting of the Rice Family. Bost., 1851. 16mo. Hf. cf., Whitmore, Nov., '02. (929) $9. RICE (DAVID). Outline of the His- tory of the Church of Kentucky. Lexington, 1824. 12mo. Sheep (stained), Hawkins, Mar., 'S7. (914) $5. RICE (J.). Plan of Female Educa- tion. Lond., 1779. Svo. Mor. (Queen Charlotte's copv), Soth., Jan. 28, '01. (334) £3. RICE (W.). Tiger Shooting in India. Lond., 1857. Colored plates. 8vo. Unc, Hardy, Dec, '86. (814) £10. Bleasdell, Jan., '87. (873) £1 9s. Unc, Cox, Feb., '91. (208) £2 Is. CI., Toovey, Mar., '94. (214) £2 6s. Hf. cf., Hodgson, Feb. 22, 1900. (564) £114s. Hf. mor., g.t., unc, Blvth, Mar., '01. (285) £2 2s. RICH (BARNABY). Aliarme to Eng- land, Foreshewing what Pei'illes are Procured where the People Live without Regard to Martiall Lawe. Lond., 1578. 4to. Unbd. (margin cut close, stained), Fountaine, June, '02. (730) £8 5s. Catholic Conference between Syr Tady Mac Mareall and Patricke Plaine. Lond., 1612. 4to. Rich (Barnaby) — Continued. Angerstein, Maj', '96. (1025) £115s. Mor., g.e., Soth., Dec. 17, 1900. (944) £9 15s. Excellency of Good Women. Lond., 1613. 4to. Vel., r.e., Young, June, '90. (714) £8 10s. Faults, Faults, and Nothing Else but Faults. Lond., 1606. 4to. Hf. mor., Ellis, Nov., '85. (2549) £3 ISs. Hf. mor., Putt., Feb., '89. (787) £1 18s. Mor., g.e., Soth., May 5, '90. (238) £31. Cf., r.e. (corner of title mended), In- glis, June, 1900. (635) £32. Mor., g.e. (corner of title mended), Soth., May 6, '01. (511) £37. Honestie of this Age. Lond., 1616. 4to. Mor., g.e., Soth., May 6, '01. (693) £33 10s. Irish Hubbub, or the English Hue and Crie. Lond., 1619. 4to. Mor., Sullivan, May, '90. (3411) £2 4s. My Ladies Looking Glasse. Lond., 1616. 4to. Cf., g.e. (with The Honestie of this Age, 1616, bound in), Inglis, June, 1900 (636) £42. New Description of Ireland. Lond., 1610. 4to. Mor., g.e., Crawford, Mar., '91. (2679) £4 4s. New Irish Prognostication, or Popish Callender. Lond., 1624. 4to. Mor.. Putt., Dec. 16, '86. (157) £1 19s. Opinion Diefied, Discovering the Ingins, Traps and Traynes that are Set to Catch Opinions. Lond., 1613. 4to. Hf. mor., Young, June, '90. (670) £1 10s. Straunge and Wonderful Adven- tures of Don Simonides, a Gentil- man Spaniard. Lond., 1581-84. 4to. Cf. (first title soiled and mended, sec- ond title defective and mended, mar- gins cut into, few leaves wormed), Inglis, June, 1900. (634) £17. True and kinde excuse in Defense