Page:Livingston, Auction Prices of Books, 1905, Volume 4.djvu/104

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SCOTT 94 SCOURGE Scott (W. -.)—Co)itiiiuc(L Cf., Soth., Feb. 27, '99. (1217) £2 8s. Rus., g.e., Kermack, Nov., '99. (337) £2 10s. Mor., g.e., Hornby, Apr., 1900. (430) £2 4s. Rus. (painting on fore-edge; back gone), Soth., Dec. 13, 1900. (306) £5 5s.

    • Large paper.

Unc, Sullivan, June, '90. (5644) £2 6s. Mor., g.e., Soth., May 13, '92. (1331) £2 Ss. Mor., g.e., Thornton, June, '94. (1152) £2 8s. Cf., g.e., Stansfield, June, '98. (458) £llSs. Rus., m.e.. Snow, Nov., '98. (422) £3. Mor., g.e., Blyth, Mar., '01. (296) £5 15s. British Field Sports. Lond., 1820. 8vo. Cf., Hall, May, '87. (299) £lls. Orig. pictorial bds., unc, Soth., Dec. 3, 1900. (1136) £l9s. History and Delineation of tiie Horse. Lond., 1809. 4to. Mor., g.e., Christie, Mar. 1, '92. (97) £115s. Hf. mor., Angerstein, May, '96. (235) £1. SCOTTISH ARTISTS' CLUB. Album. Edinb., 1892. 4to.

    • Japan paper.

Vel., Lamb, Feb., '98. (1068) £3 15s. SCOTTISH BURGH RECORDS So- ciety. Publications. Edinb., 1868- 76. " 9 vols., 4to. Craig, Mar., '88. (4495) £114s. SCOTTISH DOVE. 1643. 5 numbers. Soth., Apr. 20, '99. (570) £16s. SCOTTISH HISTORY SOCIETY. Pub- lications. Edinb., v.d. 8vo. Vols. 1-34, 1887-1900, 34 vols., and In- dex, Bruce, Dec, 1900. (1235) £27. Vols. 1-32, 1887-99, 32 vols., Kermack, Nov., '99. (338) £25 10s. Vols. 1-28, 1887-98, 28 vols., Dowell, Feb. 24, '02. (441) £20 10s. SCOTTISH POLITIKE PRESBYTER Slaine by an English Independent. Lond., 1647. 4to. Hf. mor., unc, Ellis, Oct., '02. (2242) £2Ss. SCOTTISH TEXT SOCIETY. Publica- tions. Edinb., v.d. 8vo. Parts 1-37, 1883-96, Shaw, Feb., '97. (428) £8. Parts 1-15, 1883-88, Lamb, Feb., '98. (1070) £3 3s. SCOTTOW (JOSHUA). Narrative of the Planting of the Massachusets Colony. Post., 1694. 8vo. Mor., Brinley, Mar., '79. (856) $44. Mor., g.e. (lacking pp. 75-76 and the Errata), Brinley, Mar., '79. (856*) $11. Old Men's Tears for their own De- clensions, mixed with Tears of their Posterities further falling off from New England's Primitive Constitu- tion. Bost., 1723. 18mo. Mor. (title mounted and mended; a reprint of the preface to the first edition, 1691, inserted), Deane, Mar., '98. (3161) $8.50. Rise, Spring and Foundation of the Anabaptists. Trans, from the French of Guy de Brez by J. S. Camb., [Mass.] 1668. 4to. Mor., g.e. (margins of title mended), Brinley, Mar., '79. (855) $40. SCOUGAL (HENRY). Das Leben Gottes in der Seele des Menschen Oder die Natur und Vortreflichkeit der Christlichen Religion, etc. Phila., Franklin and Armbruster, 1756. 16mo. Washington, Dec, '90. (550) $31. Sewed (writing on title, a few leaves stained). Hurst, May, '04. (493) $27. Life of God in the Soul of Man. Newcastle, 1742. Svo. Mor., g.e., Clarke, Dec, '95. (699) £2 6s. Vital Christianity. Phila., 1730. Svo. Hf. mor., g.t., unc. Miller and Bancker, Dec. '98. (37a) $28. Unbd., Proud, May, '03. (632) $35. (Cut close at top), Henkels, Dec 4, '03. (336) $6. SCOUNDREL'S DICTIONARY. Lond., 1754. Svo. Cf., unc, Stewart, Mar., '88. (633) £7 10s. Cf., unc, Harvey, June, 1900. (612) £4 15s. SCOURGE (THE); OR MONTHLY Expositor of Imposture and Folly. Lond., 1811-16. Colored plates by