Page:Livingston, Auction Prices of Books, 1905, Volume 4.djvu/158

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SHELLEY 148 SHELLEY Shelley (Percy Bysshe) — Continued. Orig. bds., imc, Morgan, Apr., '02. (246) $190. Cf., g.e. (presentation copy to Horace Smith, inscription not hy Slielley), Hibbert, Apr., '02. (744) £39. Mor., unc, in case, Sotli., June 3, '02. (913) £40. Bds., unc, Sotli., June IS, '03. (866) £46. The Cenci. Lond., 1821. 8vo. Unc, Hardy, Dec, '86. (1338) £14s. Mor., Hall, May, '87. (563) £1. Les Cenci. Traduction de Tola Dorian avec Preface de A. C. Swin- burne. Paris, 1883. 8vo. Sewed, unc. Crampon, June, '96. (364) £2. The Dasmon of the World. Lond., 1876. 12mo. Bds., unc, McKee, May, '02. (5465) $7. Epipsychidion. Lond., 1821. 8vo. Unbd., Holding, Jan., '95. (76) £18. Unc, Putt., May 14, '95. (179) £7. Mor., g.e.. Crampon, June, '96. (369) £10 10s. Sewed, Soth., June 18, '96. (404) £3. Mor., g.e., Young, Dec, '96. (458) £7 5s. Sewed, unc. (lacking half title), Soth., May 21, 1900. (811) £11 5s. Cf., g.e. (lacking half title), Morgan, Apr., '02. (248) $40. Cf., g.e. (with half title), Hibbert, Apr., '02. (748) £27 10s. Mor., g.t. (presentation copy from R. C. French, with half title), McKee, May, '02. (5446) $200. ' Epipsychidion. With notes by H. Buxton Forman. Lond., n.d. Svo.

    • 0n vellum.

Mor., unc, g.t.. Hall, May, '87. (571) £2 10s. Essays, Letters from Abroad, Translations and Fragments. Edited by Mrs. Shelley. Lond., 1840. 2 vols., 8vo. CI., unc, Thompson, May, '87. (1077) £115s. CL, unc. Turner, June, '88. (2445) £1 3s. CI., unc. (autograph of Thomas Moore in each volume), Prederickson, May, ■97. (1688) $18. CL, Bangs, Mar. 3, '02. (261) $6.50. Bds., unc, McKee, May, '02. (5459) $9. Shelley (Percy Bysshe) — Continued. Hellas. Lond., 1822. Svo. Sewed, Libbie, May 2, '88. (1066) $12.50. Cf., unc, Gaisford, Apr., '90. (1764) £4. Unc, Wood, Mar., '91. (745) £5. Mor., g.e.. Holding, Jan., '95. (77) £1 10s. Cf., g.t., unc, Gennadius, Mar., '95. (2648) £3 3s Cf., Bangs, Feb. 3, '96. (734) $6. Cf., g.t., unc, Crampon, June, '96. (370) £3 15s. Mor., g.e.. Bangs, Apr. 22, '99. (249) $8. Mor., g.t., unc, in case, French, Apr., '01. (1462) $150. Hf. mor., g.t., unc, Morgan, Apr., '02. (251) $22. Cf., g.t., unc, Hibbert, Apr., '02. (749) £9 5s. Mor., g.t., unc. (lacking half title), Mc- Kee, May, '02. (5450) $30. Hf. mor., g.t., unc, Brown, Apr., '03 (1502) £11 15s. Cf., g.e., Soth., June 18, '03. (863) £4 17s. 6d. Mor., g.t., unc. (lacking half title), An- derson, Jan. 25, '04. (233) $39. Hellas. With notes by H. B. For- man. Lond., 1876. 8vo.

    • On vellum.

Mor., g.t., Hall, May, '87. (573) £2 12s. Orig. bds., unc. Bangs, May 9, '98. (224) $7.50. Hellas. Lond., Shelley Society, 1886. Svo.

    • On vellum.

Bds., Gennadius, Mar., '95. (2651) £3. 10s. Sheets folded, Frederickson, May, '97. (1622) $13. Mor., g.t.. Bangs, Feb. 20, 1900. (836) $31. Bds., unc. Bangs, Apr. 28, '02. (799) $12. History of a Six Weeks Tour through France, Switzerland, etc. Lond., 1817. Svo. Orig. bds., unc, Bleasdell, Jan., '87. (886) £110s. Hf. mor., unc, g.t., Johnson, Jan., '90. (922) $14. Orig. hf. bdg., unc, Hazlitt, Nov., '93. (492) £118s. Orig. bds., unc, Rickarbv, May, '94. (189) £1.