Page:Livingston, Auction Prices of Books, 1905, Volume 4.djvu/204

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SMITH 194 SMITH Smith (William) — Cuiitiiiucd. sons. Phila., Hall and Sellers, 1783. 8vo. Mor., g.e. (George Washington's copy, with his bookplate, an extra por- trait and plate inserted). Baker, Feb., '91. (17) $420. Orig. sheep, Libbie, Dec. 2, '91. (1) $5.25. Sheep (John Randolph's copy), Bangs, June 13, '99. (238) $12. Brief History of the Rise and Pro- gress of the Charitable Scheme for instructing poor Germans in Penn- sylvania. Phila., Franklin and Hall, 1755. 4to. Hf. mor., unc, Brinlev, Mar., 'SO. (3293) $10. Craig, Mar., '88. (92) £12 15s. Hf. cf. (title inlaid), Brinlev, Apr., '93. (8759) $11. Sewed, Henkels, Oct. 29, '95. (401) $21. Brief State of the Province of Pennsylvania. Lond., 1755. Svo. Cf., g.e., Rice, Mar., '70. (2090) $17. Hf. cf., Murphy, Mar., '84. (1941) $9. Hf. mor., Baker, Feb., '91. (310) $14. Putt., Dec. 11, '99. (69) £3 10s. Brief State of the Province of Pennsylvania. Second edition. Lend., 1755. Svo. Hf. mor., g.t., unc, Menzies, Nov., '7G. (1580) $7.50. Hf. mor., g.t., Cooke, Dec, '83. (2007) $10. Sewed, unc, Libbie, Nov. 2, '89. (328) $14. Paper, Libbie, Dec. 2, '90. (709) $5.50. Hf. mor., g.t.. Hunt, Nov., '91. (2342) $11. Polock, Mar., '04. (804) $31. Brief State of the Province of Pennsylvania. Lond., 1756. 8vo. Hf. mor., Field, May, '75. (2194) $6.75. Cf.. g.e., Libbie, Mar. 27, '95. (1688) $5. Hf. mor., Henkels, Oct. 21, '96. (267) $5. A Brief View of the Conduct of Pennsylvania for 1755. Lond., 1756. Svo. Hf. mor., Field, May, '75. (2196) $8.50. Sewed, Terry, Mar., '89. (830) $40. Sewed, Libbie, Nov. 22, '89. (330) $5.50. Smith (William) — Co)i tinned. Hf. mor. (title and last leaf somewhat M^orn), Barlow, Feb., '90. (1926) $22. Paper, Libbie, Dec. 2, '90. (70S) $22.50. Hf. cf., Henkels, Oct. 21, '96. (268) $10. Soth., Apr. 24, '99. (323) £1 12s. Hf. mor., unc, Henkels, Jan. 18, '01. (218) $21. Hf. mor., unc, Peirce, Mar., '03. (684) $25. Mor., g.e. (Terry copy), French and Chubbuck, Feb., '04. (1781) $35. Mor., g.t., unc. (A.L.S. of Benjamin Franklin inserted), Menzies, Nov., '76. (1582) $19. Mor., g.t., unc. (Menzies copv), Cooke, Dec, '83. (2006) $20. Charge Delivered May 17, 1757, at the First Anniversary Commence- ment in the College of Philadelphia. Phila., Frankin and Hall, 1757. Svo. Hf. mor., unc, Brinley, Mar., 'SO (3126) $5. Examination of the Connecticut Claim to Lands in Pennsylvania, with Appendix. Phila., 1774. Svo. Cf.. unc, Brinlev, Mar., '79. (2124) $16. Hf. vel., Brinley, Mar., 'SO. (3096) $5.25. Hf. mor., unc, Brinlev, Mar., 'SO. (3097) $6.50. Hf. mor., g.e., Murphv, Mar., '84. (656) $16. Bds., Libbie, May 15, 'S8. (1799) $5. Cf. (Brinley copy, 2124), Ives, Mar., '91. (936) $10. Sewed, unc. Bangs, Nov. 12, 1900. (163) $15.50. CL, unc, Henkels, Nov., '02. (066) $19. CI. (1 page slightlv torn), Peirce, Mar., '03. (887) $20. Henkels, Mar. 30, '04. (1505) $13. An Historical Account of the Ex- pedition against the Ohio Indians in 1764. Phila., 1765. 4to. Cf., Field, May, '75. (2199) $22.50. Mor., g.e., Menzies, Nov., '76. (1867) $27. Cf., g.e.. Murphy, Mar., '84. (306) $20. Mor., g.e., Adee, Nov., '95. (5S) $37. Mor. (maps mounted on linen, plate inserted). Rice, Mar., '70. (2094) $33. Mor. (maps mounted on linen, en-