Page:Livingston, Auction Prices of Books, 1905, Volume 4.djvu/303

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SYMPSON 293 TACITUS SYMPSON (A.). Spiritual Songs, or Holy Poems. Edinb., [1686]. Svo. Cf., g.e., Stewart, Apr., '88. (1546) £2 14s. SYMPSON (S.). New Book of Cyphers. Lond., n.d. 4to. Cf., Halliwell, July, '89. (1148) £1 5s. SYNTAX (DR.). See Combe (W.)- SYREN (THE). Lond., n.d. 12mo. Cf., g.e., Lawrence, May, '92. (633) £2. SYR GAWAYNE. See Madden (Sir F.). T. (F.). The Case is Altered. How? Aske Dalio and Mlllo. Lond., T. C. for John Smethwicke, 1604. 4to. Mor. (headline cut into, one leaf damaged), Corser, July, '68. (429) £8 10s. Cf., Inglis, June, 1900. (718) £18 5s. T. (F.). See Thynne (F.). T. (J.). The Pathway to the Pleasant Pasture of Delitesome and Bternall Paradyse. Lond., H. Bynneman, n.d. Svo. Mor., Bonar, June, '90. (24) £2 8s. Mor., g.e., Soth., June 27, '92. (878) £2 17s. Mor., g.e.. Monk, Oct., '94. (897) £1 16s. T. (J.)- See Toy (John). T. (S.). Flagellum, or the Life and Death, Birth and Burial of Oliver Cromwell. Lond., 1663. 8vo. Orig. bdg., Grant, May, 1900. (73) £6. T. (S. A.). See Taylor (S. A.)- T. (T.). See Thorowgood (T.). TABART (BENJAMIN). Popular Fairy Tales. Lond., n.d. 26 colored plates. 8vo. CI., Thoms, Feb., '87. (1297) £12s. TACITUS. Cai. Corneili Tact! Equitis ro. Germania Incipit. [Nuremberg, F. Creussuer, about 1470]. (Hain,* 15224). Fol. Mor., Soth., July 3, '99. (215) £9 10s. Soth., Nov. 20, '99. (1588) £3. Annalium et historiarum libri superstites. [Venice, Vindelin de Spira, 1469]. Fol. Mor., Sunderland, Mar., '83. (11954) £34. Tacitus — Continued. Mor., g.e. (with book-plate of A. Fir- min-Didot), Ives, Mar., '91. (975) $135. Mor., g.e., Makellar, Nov., '98. (3099) £49. Mor., g.e. (Ives copy), Lefferts, Apr., '02. (1287) $160. The Ende of Nero, etc., fower bookes of the Histories of Tacitus. Trans, by Sir Henry Savile. Ox- ford, 1591. Fol. Mor., g.e., Soth., Dec. 7, '04. £12. Annales. Trans, by R. Grenewey. Lond., 1604. Fol. Vel., Putt., Mar. 20, '99. (634) £5. Annales. The Description of Ger- manie, etc. Lond., 1605. Fol. Cf., Rogers, Oct., 1900. (877) $7. Annales. The Description of Ger- manic, etc. Trans, by Henry Savile. Lond., 1612. Fol. Bds. (Wordsworth's copy with his autograph on title; some leaves torn and wormed), Arnold, May, '01. (336) $11. Annales. The Description of Ger- , manie. Trans, by R. Grenewey and Henry Saville. Lond., 1622. Fol.

    • Large paper.

Cf. (mended; Sir Kenelm Digby's copy, with his autograph), Sewall, Jan., '97. (3702) $14. De Vita et Moribus Julii Agricolae Liber. Lond., Doves Press, 1900. 4to. Vel., Soth., Nov. 18, '01. (778) £7 5s. Vel.,' Soth., Mar. 17, '02. (1129) £8. Vel., Soth., July 11, '02. (248) £8 12s. 6d. Vel., Peirce, Mar., '03. (1) $55. Vel., Soth., Mar. 16, '03. (1379) £7 7s. 6d. Vel., Peirce, May, '03. (454) $60. Vel., Soth., May 18, '03. (478) £7 17s. 6d. Vel., Soth., June 10, '03. (256) £6 12s. 6d. Vel., Anderson, Dec. 4, '03. (204) $26. Vel., Anderson, Mar. 16, '04. (193) $41. Works. Trans, by A. Murphy. Lond., 1805. 8 vols., Svo. Cf., Hawkins, Mar., '95. (591) £L