Page:Livingston, Auction Prices of Books, 1905, Volume 4.djvu/403

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VIOLET 393 VIRGIL Violet (T.) — Continued. An Appeal to Caesar. Lond., 1660. Svo. Old cf., g.e. (dedication copy to the King), Bateman, May, '93. (1747) £4. Cf., g.e. (rebaclved, headlines cut into, lacking plate), Soth., Jan. 29, '03. (487) £2 10s. Cf. (with A Petition against the Jewes presented to the Kings Majestie, 1661), Putt, Jan. 18, '99. (26) £1 7s. Mysteries and Secrets of Trade and Mint-Affairs. Lond., 1653. Fol. Cf., Hodgson, Mav 9, '04. (64) £4 12s. 6d. Proposals humbly presented to his Highness Oliver, Lord Protector of England, for the calling to Accompt all Persons that have been entrusted with the Public Revenue, etc. Lond., 1656. Fol. Mor., g.e., Craig, Mar., '88. (5143) £1 10s. Cf., g.e., Hodgson, Mav 9, '04. (65) £5. Proposals for the calling to Ac- compt all Persons that have been entrusted with the Public Revenue, etc. Lond.. 1658. Fol. Hf. cf., Hodgson, Mav 9, '04. (679) £3 9s. True Discovery to the Commons of England. Lond., 1650. 16mo. Cf. (inlaid to 4to), Hodgson, Mav 9, '04. (63) £2 4s. True Narrative of some remark- able Proceedings concerning the Ships Samson, Salvador and George. Lond., 1653. Fol. Cf., Hodgson, May 9. '04. (66) £3 3s. VIREL (MATTHEW). Learned and Excellent Treatise containing all the Principall Groundes of Christian Re- ligion. Trans, [by Stephen Eger- ton.] Lond., 1600. 8vo. Orig. vel. (arms of Queen Elizabeth on sides), Soth.. .June 17, '04. (342) £12. VIRET (PETER). The Canteles, Canon and Ceremonies of the Most Blasphemous, Abominable and Mon- strous Popish Masse. Trans, by T. Stocker. Lond., T. Vautrollier, 1584. Svo. Viret (Peter) — Continued. Mor. (text cut into), Stewart, Apr., '88. (1609) £lls. Cf., g.e., Jenkins, June, '97. (99) £1 10s. VIRGIL. Liber Georgicorum. Paris, A. Cayllaut, 1492. 4to. Cf., r.e., Soth., Mav 21, 1900. (855) £11 10s. Bucolica. Lond., Wynken de Worde, 1522. 4to. Mor., g.e. (soiled and margins cut close, title backed), Inglis, June, 1900. (810) £35. Bucolica. Lond., Wynken de Worde, 1529. 4to. Rus. (lacking Sig. B.; 4 leaves, cor- ners of title and last 2 leaves mend- ed), Ashburnham, Mav, '98. (3874) £31. Rus. (lacking Sig. B., 4 leaves, and 2 leaves in Sig. C, the preceding copy resold), Ashburnham, Dec, '98. (1C8) £17 10s. Rus. (lacking 6 leaves), Soth., Nov. 20, '99. (1525) £18. Bucolica et Georgica. Lond., 1774. Svo. Mor., g.e., Christie, Dec. 1, '86. (267) £116s. Mor.. g.e., Ives, Mar., '91. (1033) $47.50. Rus., g.e., Hutchinson, Feb., '92. (791) £llls. Cf.. Sewall, Jan., '97. (3955) $11.50. Mor., g.t., Soth., Apr. 4, '98. (331) £1 2s. Vel. (presentation copv), French, Apr., '01. (1638) $22. Bucoliks. Trans, by A. F[lem- ing]. Lond., 1589. Svo. (Top corner of each page cut and wormed), Hodgson, Mar. 12, '02. (367) £3 2s. 6d. Georgiks. Trans, by A. F[lem- ing]. Lond., 1589. 4to. Hf. cf., Frederickson, Apr., '86. (2280) $15. Hf. rus., y.e. (corner of one leaf torn, one or two words missing, front margin of a few leaves cut close), McKee, Dec, '01. (2917) $30. Bucoliks and Georgiks. Trans. by A. F[leming]. Lond., 1589. 4to.