Page:Livingston, Auction Prices of Books, 1905, Volume 4.djvu/444

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WARREN 434 WARTON WARREN (JOHN LEICESTER). Guide to the Study of Bookplates. Lond., 1880. 8vo. CI., Schreiber, Apr., '96. (102) £1 2s. CI., Grazebrook, July, '96. (187) £2. CI., Sewall, Jan., '97. (4057) $8.50. CI., Bierstadt, Apr., '97. (2299) $5.50. CI., Soth., Feb. 6, 1900. (1415) £lls. CI., Hodgson, Feb. 22, 1900. (582) £1. CI., Beveridge, Feb. 13, '01. (130) $5.75. Poems, Dramatic and Lyrical. Lond., 1893. Svo.

    • Japan paper.

Vol., Bierstadt, Apr., '97. (2116) $10. WARREN (JOSEPH). Oration deliv- ered Mar. 5, 1772, to commemorate the Bloody Tragedy of Mar. 5, 1770. Bost., Edes and Gill, 1772. 4to. Hf. mor., g.t., Menzies, Nov., '76. (2045) $5. Bds., unc, Libbie, Apr. 29, '86. (376) $10.50. Oration delivered March 6, 1775. Bost., Edes and Gill, 1775. 4to. Hf. mor., g.t., Menzies, Nov., '76. (2046) $5. Sewed, unc. Hunt, Nov., '91. (392) $16. Bds., unc, Libbie, Mar. 27, '95. (1249) $7.50. WARREN (MERCY). Blockheads; or the Afflrighted Officers. Bost., 1776. Svo. Mor., unc, Brinley, Nov., '86. (7053) $17. Mor., g.t., unc. (Brinley copy), McKee, Nov., 1900. (1261) $86. Mor., g.t. (ink spots on 2 pages), Mc- Kee, May, '02. (5577) $70. The Group. Bost., Edes and Gill, 1775. Svo. Hf. mor., McKee, Nov., 1900. (1259) $47. The Group. N. Y., John Ander- son, [1775]. Svo. Unc, Brinley, Apr., '81. (7061) $5. Hf. mor., g.t., McKee, Nov., 1900. (1260) $25. History of the American Revolu- tion. Bost., 1805. 3 vols., Svo. Hf. mor., g.t., unc. Rice, Mar., 1870. (2367) $10.50. Sheep, Brinley, Mar., '80. (4169) $6. Bds., unc, Sherman, Jan., '98. (1142) $5.40. Hf. mor., Deane, Mar., '98. (3676) $5.25. Warren (Mercy) — Coutinucd. Bds., unc, Henkels, Oct. 19, '98. (554) $6. Hf. mor., g.t., unc, Manson, Mar., '99. (4396) $10.50. Bds., unc. (worn), Libbie, Mar. 28, 1900. (1425) $7.50. Cf., Conland, Jan., '04. (980) $10.50. WARREN (SAMUEL). Ten Thousand a Year. Edinb., 1841. 3 vols., Svo. Mor., g.t.. Turner, June, '88. (2849) £13s. - Cf., g.t., unc, Mackenzie, Mar., '89. (2302) £6 10s. Cf., g.t., unc, Daly, Mar., 1900. (3586) $24. Cf., g.t., unc. (orig. cover bound in), Soth., May 6, '01. (90) £4. CI., unc. Putt., Jan. 30, '02. (353) £2 6s. Ten Thousand a Year. Bost., 1889. 3 vols., Svo.

    • Large paper.

Hf. mor., unc, Alexander, Mar., '95. (4129) $9.30. Hf. roan, unc, Libbie, Feb. 8, 1900. (1103) $6.37. WARREN (WILLIAM). A Pleasant New Fancie of a Fondlings Device. Intitled and Cald the Nurcerie of Names. Lond., 1581. 4to. Corser, Feb., '71. (611) £100. WARRINGTON (WILLIAM). History of Stained Glass. Lond., 1848. Fol. Hf. mor., unc, Beresford, June, '88. (2194) £4 lis. Hf. mor., Hartree, Julv, '90. (2313) £2 13s. Hf. bd., g.e., Glasse, July, '92. (2468) £115s. Hf. mor. (some plates spotted). Pen- nant, Dec, '95. (749) £2 5s. Hf. mor.. Bangs, Mar. 1, '97. (238) $11.25. WARS (THE) OF AMERICA. Balti- more, Hazard and Bloomer, 1839. 12mo. Hf. cl., Brinley, Mar., '80. (4170) $7.50. WAR SONGS OF THE SOUTH. Edit- ed by Bohemian. Richmond, 1862. 12mo. Paper, Americana, Mar., '95. (589) $6.50. WARTON (THOMAS). History of English Poetry. Lond., 1824. 4 vols., Svo.