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Art. 17

This Convention shall be ratified; its ratifications shall be exchanged at Paris as speedily as possible, and within one year at the latest.

In testimony whereof, the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed it, and have thereunto affixed their seals.

Done in twenty-six copies, at Paris, this 14th day of March, 1884.

  • [For the United States:]
    • L. P. Morton[seal]
    • Henry Vignaud[seal]
  • [For Germany:]
    • Hohenlohe[seal]
  • [For the Argentine Confederation:]
    • M. Balcarce[seal]
  • [For Austria-Hungary:]
    • Ladislas Count Hoyos[seal]
  • [For Belgium:]
    • Beyens[seal]
    • Leopold Orban[seal]
  • [For Brazil:]
    • Bn d'Itajubá[seal]
  • [For Costa Rica:]
    • Léon Somzée[seal]
  • [For Denmark:]
    • Moltke-Hvitfeldt[seal]
  • [For the Dominican Republic:]
    • Emanuel de Almeda[seal]
  • [For Spain:]
    • Manuel Silvela[seal]
  • [For Colombia:]
    • José G. Triana[seal]
  • [For France:]
    • Jules Ferry[seal]
    • Ad. Cochery[seal]
  • [For the United Kingdom:]
    • Lyons[seal]
  • [For Guatemala:]
    • Crisanto Medina[seal]
  • [For Greece:]
    • Maurocordato[seal]
  • [For Italy:]
    • Menabrea[seal]
  • [For Turkey:]
    • Essad[seal]
  • [For the Netherlands:]
    • Bn Zuylen de Nyevelt[seal]
  • [For Persia:]
    • Nazare-Aga[seal]
  • [For Portugal:]
    • F. d'Azevedo[seal]
  • [For Romania:]
    • Odobesco[seal]
  • [For Russia:]
    • Prinse Orloff[seal]
  • [For El Salvador:]
    • J. M. Torres-Caïcedo[seal]
  • [For Serbia:]
    • I. Marinovitch[seal]
  • [For Sweden and Norway:]
    • G. Sibbern[seal]
  • [For Uruguay:]
    • Juan J. Diaz[seal]

Additional Article

The stipulations of the Convention concluded this day for the protection of submarine cables shall be applicable, according to Article 1, to the colonies and possessions of Her Britannic Majesty with the exception of those named below, to wit:

  • Canada;
  • Newfoundland;
  • The Cape;
  • Natal;
  • New South Wales;
  • Victoria;
  • Queensland;
  • Tasmania;
  • South Australia;
  • West Australia;
  • New Zealand.
