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His Majesty the King of Servia, Mr. Marinovitch, His Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary near His Majesty the King of the Belgians,

The Federal Council of the Swiss Confederation, Mr. Rivier, its special Plenipotentiary.

Who, after having communicated between themselves their full powers, which are found in good and due form, have agreed upon the following Articles:

Article 1

There shall be established in each of the contracting States, a bureau charged with the duty of the exchanges.

Article 2

The publications which the contracting States agree to exchange, are the following:

  • 1st. The official documents, parliamentary and administrative, which are published in the country of their origin.
  • 2nd. The works executed by order and at the expense of the Government.

Article 3

Each bureau shall cause to be printed a list of the publications that it is able to place at the disposal of the contracting States. This list shall be corrected and completed each year and regularly addressed to all the bureaus of exchange.

Article 4

The bureaus of exchange will arrange between themselves the number of copies which they may be able eventually to demand and furnish.

Article 5

The transmissions shall be made directly from bureau to bureau. Uniform models and formulas will be adopted for the memoranda of the contents of the cases, as well as for all the administrative correspondence, requests, acknowledgments of reception, etc.

Article 6

For exterior transmissions, each State assumes the expense of packing and transportation to the place of destination. Nevertheless when the transmissions shall be made by sea, special arrangements will regulate the share of each State in the expense of transportation.

Article 7

The bureaus of exchange will serve, in an officious capacity, as intermediaries between the learned bodies and literary and scientific societies, etc.