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the Customs (without payment of duty) and reported by the President of the Municipal Council to the Consuls of the Three Treaty Powers.

The Three Governments reserve to themselves the future consideration of the further restrictions which it may be necessary to impose upon the importation and use of fire-arms in Samoa.

Section 2. Intoxicating Liquors. No spirituous, vinous or fermented liquors, or intoxicating drinks whatever, shall be sold, given or offered to any native Samoan, or South Sea Islander resident in Samoa, to be taken as a beverage.

Adequate penalties, including imprisonment, for the violation of the provisions of this Article shall be established by the Municipal Council for application within its jurisdiction; and by the Samoan Government for all the Islands.

Article VIII

General dispositions

Section 1. The provisions of this Act shall continue in force until changed by consent of the Three Powers. Upon the request of either Power after three years from the signature hereof, the Powers shall consider by common accord what ameliorations, if any, may be introduced into the provisions of this General Act. In the meantime any special amendment may be adopted by the consent of the Three Powers with the adherence of Samoa.

Section 2. The present General Act shall be ratified without unnecessary delay, and within the term of ten months from the date of its signature.

In the meantime the Signatory Powers respectively engage themselves to adopt no measure which may be contrary to the dispositions of the said Act.

Each Power further engages itself to give effect in the meantime to all provisions of this Act which may be within its authority prior to the final ratification.

Ratifications shall be exchanged by the usual diplomatic channels of communication.

The assent of Samoa to this General Act shall be attested by a certificate thereof signed by the King and executed in triplicate, of which one copy shall be delivered to the Consul of each of the Signatory Powers at Apia for immediate transmission to his Government.

Done in triplicate at Berlin this fourteenth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-nine.

  • [For the United States:]
    • John A. Kasson
    • Wm. Walter Phelps
    • Geo. H. Bates
  • [For Germany:]
    • H. Bismarck
    • Holstein
    • R. Krauel
  • [For the United Kingdom:]
    • Edward B. Malet
    • Charles S. Scott
    • J. A. Crowe