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the Consul of the Country to which the vessel belongs, who will allow a salvage or portion of the property so saved to those who may aid in saving and protecting the same, and no embezzlement will be permitted under any circumstances whatever. The effects of all deceased persons shall be given up to the Consul of the Nation to which they may have belonged.


Any person guilty of the crime of murder upon any foreigner shall be given up without delay to the Commander of any public vessel of the Nation to which the deceased may have belonged, upon his demanding the same.


Every vessel shall pay a port charge of $5 for anchorage and water, before she will be allowed to receive refreshments on board, and shall pay for pilotage in and out the sum of $7. before she leaves the harbour, and pilots shall be appointed subject to the approval of the Consuls.


No work shall be done on shore, nor shall any natives be employed on board vessels on the Sabbath day under a penalty of ten dollars, unless under circumstances of absolute necessity.


All trading in spirituous or landing the same is strictly forbidden: any person offending shall pay a fine of twenty five dollars, and the vessel to which he belongs, shall receive no more refreshments. Any spirituous liquors found on shore shall be seized and destroyed.


All deserters from vessels will be apprehended, and a reward paid of $8 viz $5 to the person who apprehends him and $3 to the Chief of the district in which he may be apprehended on his delivery to the proper officer of the vessel. No Master shall refuse to receive such deserter under a penalty of $25.

Deserters taken after the vessel has sailed shall be delivered up to the Consul to be dealt with as he may think fit. Any person who entices another to desert, or secretes a deserter or in any way assists him shall be subject to a penalty of $5. or one month's hard labour on the public roads.


No Master shall land a passenger without permission of the Government under a penalty of $25. and no individual shall be permitted to land or reside in Samoa without special permission of the Government. Any one so landing shall be compelled to leave by the first opportunity.