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Article LXXV

The office shall be constituted as soon as three powers have appointed their representatives.

It shall draw up regulations fixing the manner of exercising its functions. These regulations shall immediately be submitted to the approval of such signatory powers as shall have signified their intention of being represented in this office. They shall decide in this respect within the shortest possible time.

Article LXXVI

The expenses of this institution shall be divided in equal parts among the signatory powers mentioned in the preceding article.

Article LXXVII

The object of the office at Zanzibar shall be to centralize all documents and information of a nature to facilitate the repression of the slave-trade in the maritime zone. For this purpose the signatory powers engage to forward within the shortest time possible:

  • 1. The documents specified in Article XLI;
  • 2. Summaries of the reports and copies of the minutes referred to in Article XLVIII;
  • 3. The list of the territorial or consular authorities and special delegates competent to take action as regards vessels seized according to the terms of Article XLIX;
  • 4. Copies of judgments and condemnations in accordance with Article LVIII;
  • 5. All information that may lead to the discovery of persons engaged in the slave-trade in the above-mentioned zone.


The archives of the office shall always be open to the naval officers of the signatory powers authorized to act within the limits of the zone defined by Article XXI, as well as to the territorial or judicial authorities, and to consuls specially designated by their Governments.

The office shall supply to foreign officers and agents authorized to consult its archives, translations into a European language of documents written in an Oriental language.

It shall make the communications provided for in Article XLVIII.

Article LXXIX

Auxiliary officers in communication with the office at Zanzibar may be established in certain parts of the zone, in pursuance of a previous agreement between the interested powers.