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Annex to the General Act (Article XXXIX)

License to ply the coasting trade on the East Coast of Africa in conformity with Article XXXIX

Name of vessel, with description of form of build and rig Nationality Tonnage Port of register Name of captain Number of crew Maximum number of passengers Limits within which vessel is entitled to ply General remarks

The present license must be renewed on the ——.
Rank of Official who has issued the permit: ——.

Protocol of Meeting of July 2, 1891



of the meeting held at Brussels in the Department of Foreign Affairs on July 2, 1891, pursuant to Article XCIX of the General Act of the Brussels Conference, signed on July 2, 1890.

The following were present:

  • For Germany:
    • His Excellency the Count of Alvensleben, Minister of Germany at Brussels.
  • For Austria-Hungary.
    • His Excellency Count Khevenhüller-Metsch, Minister of Austria-Hungary at Brussels.
  • For Belgium:
    • Baron Lambermont, Minister of State.
    • Mr. Émile Banning, Director General in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  • For Denmark:
    • Mr. F. G. Schack de Brockdorff, Consul General of Denmark at Antwerp.
  • For Spain:
    • His Excellency Gutierrez de Aguëra, Minister of Spain at Brussels.
  • For the Independent State of the Congo:
    • Mr. E. Van Eetvelde, Administrator General of the Department of Foreign Affairs of the Independent State of the Congo.
  • For the United States:
    • His Excellency Edwin H. Terrell, Minister of the United States of America at Brussels.
  • For Great Britain:
    • Mr. Martin Gosselin, Chargé d'Affaires of the Government of Her Britannic Majesty at Brussels.