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  • 2nd.7th. The whole of the Netherlands Colonies;
  • 2nd.8th. The whole of the Portuguese Colonies.

Article 28

The present Convention shall be put into execution on the 1st of July, 1892, and shall remain in force during an indefinite period; but each contracting party has the right to withdraw from the Union, by means of a notice given one year in advance by its Government to the Government of the Swiss Confederation.

Article 29

1.—From the date on which the present Convention takes effect, all the stipulations of the Treaties, Conventions, Arrangements, or other Acts previously concluded between the various countries or Administrations, in so far as those stipulations are not in accordance with the terms of the present Convention, are abrogated, without prejudice to the rights reserved by Article 21 preceding.

2.—The present Convention shall be ratified as soon as possible. The acts of ratification shall be exchanged at Vienna.

3.—In faith of which, the plenipotentiaries of the above named countries have signed the present Convention at Vienna on the fourth of July, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-one.

  • For Germany and the German Protectorates
    • Dr. V. Stephan
    • Sachse
    • Fritsch
  • For the United States of America
    • N. M. Brooks
    • William Potter
  • For the Argentine Republic
    • Cárlos Calvo
  • For Austria
    • Obentraut
    • Dr. Hofmann
    • Dr. Lilienau
    • Habberger
  • For Hungary
    • P. Heim
    • S. Schrimpf
  • For Belgium
    • Lichtervelde
  • For Bolivia
  • For Brazil
    • Luiz Betim Paes Leme
  • For Bulgaria
    • P. M. Mattheeff
  • For Chili
  • For the Republic of Colombia
    • G. Michelsen
  • For the Independent State of the Congo
    • Stassin
    • Lichtervelde
    • Garant
    • Dr Craene
  • For the Republic of Costa Rica
  • For Denmark and the Danish Colonies
    • Lund
  • For the Dominican Republic
  • For Egypt
    • Y. Saba
  • For Ecuador
  • For Spain and the Spanish Colonies
    • Federico Bas
  • For France
    • Montmarin
    • I. de Selves
    • Ansault
  • For the French Colonies
    • G. Gabrié