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erected at the present time in some other spot, or of putting up a new arch, or of using an old archway to be transported to the place, they left this to the determination of my Government.

"I at once telegraphed my Government to inform me of its views.

"The reply which I have just received informs me that His Majesty the Emperor of Germany has himself decided that a new archway extending across the whole width of the street should be put up.

"I have therefore urgently to request that you take prompt steps for the immediate commencement of the work."

We, Prince and Minister, have at once directed the said secretary and taotai to act accordingly. According to the report which they have sent us, "the work was begun on the 10th day of the 5th moon (25th of June), at the foundations. But a certain length of time is necessary for getting out and cutting the stone and for the transportation of materials; and the only thing that can be done is to watch that the workmen use their best endeavors to carry the work on actively."

Besides having directed that We should be kept informed of the execution of the work, We deem it necessary to send the present official reply to Your Excellency, requesting you to take note of it.


IMPERIAL EDICT of the 13th of February, 1901


Since the 5th moon (end of May) the Boxers have created trouble in the capital and have begun hostilities against friendly countries. Yi-K'ung and Li Hung-chang are negotiating for peace at Peking with Representatives of the Powers, and a whole preliminary arrangement has already been signed.

(If) We consider the commencement of these events, (we find that they are due) to several stupid, mad, utterly ignorant, turbulent Princes and Ministers who have trampled the laws under foot. They had most absolute confidence in pernicious methods and have involved the Court. Not only did they refuse to obey Our orders to exterminate the Boxers, but they have gone so far as to believe in them, and, stupidly, they began to attack (the Legations). So it was that this evil fire spread abroad, and circumstances did not permit of its being stopped, tens of millions of evil-doers having assembled under the elbow and the armpit (that is to say, at a most important point). Furthermore, the leaders forced generals and ignorant soldiers to attack the Legations, and so it befell that inconceivable evils persisted for several months.

The tutelary deities of the Empire have been in danger, the Imperial tombs and the temples of the Ancestors have trembled, the country has been devastated, the inhabitants are plunged in misery. No words can express the dangers to which We and H. M. the Empress Dowager have been exposed.