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that they committed suicide when they saw the disaster coming, and that they have already been degraded, and that the posthumous honors which had been granted them have been annulled and withdrawn, it is needless to take up their cases.

The nature of the crimes committed by all the principal authors of the wrong has been set forth in a clear and detailed way in previous decrees.

Respect this!


IMPERIAL EDICT of the 13th February 1901


"The troubles brought about by the Boxers during the 5th moon (May—June) having spread from day to day, the Court had two difficult courses to adopt—to take either coercitive or conciliatory measures. In the hope that a line of conduct would be shown Us the Ministers were several times called in audience.

"We have repeatedly questioned Hsü Yung-yi, President of the Board of War, Li-shan, President of the Board of Finance, Hsü Ching-cheng, senior vice-President of the Board of Works, Lien-Yuan, vice Chancellor of the Grand Council, Yuan-chang, vice-President of the Court of Sacrificial Worship.

"In their speech and in their mind all admitted that the two methods were possible. Several Ministers, instigators of disorder, availing themselves of this fact, unjustly accused these men, handed in memorials in which they denounced them. So it came about that they were severely punished in their persons.

"But considering that Hsü Yung-yi and the others showed great zeal for many years and have always taken interest in international questions, that they were capable of faithfulness, and had shown themselves industrious, We owe it to them to show them favor.

"We command that Li-shan, Hsü Yung-yi, Hsü Ching-cheng, Lien-Yuan, and Yuan-chang be restored to their former honors.

"Let the ministry concerned be informed.

"Respect this!"


IMPERIAL EDICT of the 19th August, 1901


Edict received by the Grand Chancellery the 6th day of the 7th moon of the 27th year Kuang-hsü (19 August 1901).

"Considering the report of this day by which Yi-K'uang and Li Hung-chang inform Us that the foreign Powers have decided on the suspension